4 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Lawyers are prophets-for-hire

      Ha! I love this phrase. It captures the tension between law as a precise discipline and law as an interpretive art.

    2. ¥ do not seewhy you bring me all of these books.I made a simple request of you. All Iwant is a case just like mine

      This line shows how complex the legal system is. The widow’s frustration highlights how the law appears as being simple and clear-cut, but in reality, cases are rarely exactly the same, and interpreting the law can be complicated and uncertain.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. we all should still be required to take refresher classes

      Simon advocates for mandatory refresher classes in legal writing, however I would suggest exploring other models of continuous learning that could be more adaptable and less formalized. For example, mentoring programs or peer reviews could serve as alternative methods of improving writing skills. These are both more flexible and relevant approaches than traditional courses, with the added benefit of also bringing real-world application and ongoing feedback directly into the learning process.

    2. Similarly, another law professor suggested thateffective legal writing should tie into competence because a lawyer cannotcompetently represent the client “if poorly written legal papers can be refuted byopposing counsel or misinterpreted by the judge.”!”

      The relationship between legal writing and client representation is undeniable. The article, citing Cohen, states that poor legal writing can be refuted by opposing counsel or misinterpreted by judges, impacting the client's case. I’d argue this could be expanded further to include how legal writing influences public perception of the legal system as a whole, especially in an era of waning public trust.