13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. We examined the above by using data from a study of effectson sleep architecture of the two aforementioned antidepres-sants in depressed outpatients

      Examined the evolution of SWA over the course of a night with two different antidepresants (nefazodone and ritanserin) and measure the differences in sleep efficiency

    2. blockade of thepostsynaptic 5-HT2

      nefazodone effects, and this post synaptic receptor is also used in the control of SWS

    3. nefazodone

      helps sleep prior to having an antidepressant effect

    4. ower delta sleep ratio (DSR)

      lower delta sleep ratio (DSR)

    5. the percentage of time spentin SWS over the whole of the night (% SWS) appear to bedecreased in depression compared with normal controls

      decreased slow wave sleep in depressed individuals??? is that what they mean?

    6. low wave activity(SWA

      slow wave activity


    1. Moreove

      review this paragraph

    2. Overall, females

      I thought it was interesting females had worse sleep than men, but drank fewer drinks. Maybe females sleep better because we ~think~ more and also worry more.

    3. Globalsleep quality assessed seven indicators of sleep (dys)function: subjec-tive sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep effi-ciency, sleep disturbances, use of sleep medication, and daytimedysfunction using the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index

      sought to explore the replationship bw global sleep quality, alcohol use, and alcohol consequences. Global sleep quality:


    1. The “equi" part of the word relates to equal, as one might expect, but it does not relate to absolute concentra-tions. What happens when a biochemical reac-tion is at equilibrium is that the concentra-tions of reactants and products do not change over time.

      so substrate and product are not equal concentrations

    1. subtle electronic ones, more significant covalent modifications, or structural changes arising from the flexibility inherent in enzymes, but not present in chemical catalysts. Flexibility allows movement and movement facilitates alteration of electronic environments necessary for catalysis. Enzymes are, thus, much more efficient than rigid chemical catalysts as a result of their abilities to facilitate the changes necessary to optimize the catalytic process.

      Changes that occur to enzymes during a reaction. Not present in chemical catalysts

    2. activation energy

      required energy to start a reaction

    3. metabolic pathways

      The pathways that are the result of the dynamic reactions occurring in cells. The product of one reaction is often the substrate for another