1 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. Then Wrisley Lord Chauncellour, sent to Anne Askew letters, offring to her the kyngs pardon, if she would recant. Who refusing once to looke vpon them, made this answer agayne: that she came not thether to deny her lord and Maister. Then were the letters likewise offered vnto the other, who in lyke manner followyng the constancie of the woman, denied not onely to receyue them, but also to looke vpon them. Whereupon the Lord Mayor commaundyng fire to be put vnto them, cryed wyth a lowde voyce, Fiat iustitia.

      As we discussed in class, Anne's consistency and determination stands out. The king tried one more time to persuade Anne to change her beliefs; however, she did not. In the King's final attempt to get Anne to recant really demonstrates the king desire for Catholicism to be the beliefs of all. His many attempts sort of lead me to believe he did not want to kill Anne. However, he saw her beliefs to be dangerous to himself and others, so killing her was 1. a must 2. an example of what others should not do.