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  1. May 2018
    1. This secondary sources gives me a political sense to what is happening around the world with different nations during World War 2. This will give my essay other facts about what was going on during the Holocaust's time frame and give people a better sense of placement. It will also let me know how the world is reacting to Hitler's reign.

    1. This whole secondary source gives me background information about Adolf Hitler and his views that lead to the Holocaust. During his dictatorship, he was one of the most influential leaders in history and he was the leader of the Nazi Party. This source will give me background facts about the Nazi party to strengthen my essay.

    1. However, researchers found that the Nazis actually established about 42,500 camps and ghettoes between 1933 and 1945

      This source, in particular this quote, it speaks about how many camps the Nazis built, which gives me facts about the Holocaust and how much the hatred for Jewish people spread to not only one town, but multiple. It will strengthen my argument about how inhumane the Holocaust was.