14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. There are actually four types of “targets” we can see in learning standards:

      mention when showing access to standards

    2. 3 different types of digital or electronic portfolios that are currently in use:

      mention this in presentation

    3. seven items that will help teachers make sure they are being fair:

      let "students" know about 7 fair assessment items

    4. Summative assessment is more of a singular event at the end an instructional unit or module. The get the full picture of how well students are performing and whether or how instruction needs to be adjusted,

      definition of summative assessment

    5. Formative assessment is ongoing and provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning

      important in defining formative assessment

    6. http://www.corestandards.org/read-the-standards/

      where to locate common core

    7.  Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) at http://ok.gov/sde/oklahoma-academic-standards.

      how to access standards

    8. Learning Standards:

      Learn how to access the standards

    1. whoever has it must answer your next question

      The idea seems fun and engaging however I don't like the wording here, MUST. For some students this may be very uncomfortable to them if they don't enjoy speaking up in class. Yes it encourages that behavior, however it could also put a damper on a students learning due to them being anxious/ feeling pressured to answer and answer correctly in front of their peers.

    2. Like the Minute Paper, but asks for the “most confusing” point instead. Best used at the end of the class session.

      I really like this, it gives students the opportunity to ask questions and get answers on something they're confused about. You're also inviting the students who may not be comfortable with asking a lot of questions.

    3. not our favorite way to learn, we tend to fall back on it while we’re teaching

      Really important to remember when we are creating lessons for our future classrooms. Although lecturing is an easy way to present material with less planning time, it is not an extremely effective way to present material.

    1. Technology Tools for Differentiation http://www.edutopia.org/blog/differentiated-instruction-social-media-tools-john-mccarthy


    2. Challenging Advanced Learners

      I find this topic interesting because we don't tend to learn about advanced learners as much as we do struggling learners. I found this chart very interesting as well as informative on ways that we can challenge the advanced learners in our classes.

    3. Building community – The differentiated learning community must be a safe, accepting, risk-free environment where failure and learning from it is celebrated. Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher to insure that all learners understand and respect the process of differentiating instruction.

      I find this very important and is an area that we sometimes may forget about as teachers. Making sure/enforcing that our students know they are safe and that all of their ideas are important encourages the deepest learning and allows each child to give their input, knowing they aren't being judged but celebrated for bringing a new idea to the table.