- Dec 2015
dmlcentral.net dmlcentral.net
“Sometimes people don’t think that their ideas are worthy to contribute publicly
I feel like this all the time, but Im working on putting myself out there more. Who knows, maybe I have the answer to some major question hidden somewhere in the back of my brain.
“I get them to start with blogs, show them how to participate by commenting.
The same way we started in edu 106, it all makes sense !
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
A Google form lets you create an easy to use web form to track student results.
Sneaky, but helpful.
What used to be done in the classroom is now done at home,
This is so true, everything can be done from anywhere.
As ive learned this semester, professors use it a lot while teaching. Good way to keep track of what youve gone over too.
- Nov 2015
medium.com medium.com
this small amount of code has changed reading and writing forever.
Small things can lead to big differences
We need them to engage in multiple source readings.
I realized after many college papers that you need multiple sources and that isnt always easy to find. but the more the better
These are the easily quantifiable and teachable differences as we shift to reading online.
now teachers know what would be a good thing to teach to students or anyone who is learning how to navigate the web
- Oct 2015
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
If as educators, researchers, and citizens, we want all students to be fully literateand able to communicate to be successful in a global community, we ought to attendespecially to those students from low-income families who may be more likely toexperience lower levels of online participation at home or at school, compared totheir more affluent peers, and therefore, have fewer opportunities to practice newliteracies
I believe everyone should have the same tools to work with and no one should have an advantage just because of where you grew up or where you ended up going to school.
dynamicandsituationally specific(Coiro et al., 2008;Hull & Nelson, 2005; Kress, 2003; Lankshear & Knobel, 2006). They change astechnologies available over the internet are constantly changing.
Everything is constantly changing. Especially the internet. Its such a huge community of never ending change.
essential tofull civic,economic, and personal participationin a world community
participation is key in learning and it connects in life, you have to participate to get things done.
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
This is so true, our generation is so comfortable being behind a computer or phone etc and we are less outgoing in public
Both reports suggest we are moving away from a world in which some produce and many consume media toward one in which everyone has a more active stake in the culture that is produced
we are making our future then?
Such an important sentence, most people wont speak up because sometimes no one values your opinions #edu106
- Sep 2015
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
They developed much of their skill and knowledge through their participation
This is exactly how they need to be teaching. Participation and getting involved is KEY #edu106
Yet none of these learning activities took
weird since most of learning takes place in school #edu106
By networking,
Networking is everything, it helps out so much. Its all about who you know.
www.danah.org www.danah.org
Such a good point
Which is scary too because maybe you had no idea who was on the other side of the computer talking to you.
Its so easy to forget that in the end you really aren't private even if you take all the precautions
Shows how you have to be careful what you put on the internet
Is there a such thing as privacy anymore?
Which has led to people sharing (sometimes) way too much information.
Im not sure I can agree with the statement that "technology doesn't change anything important" because technology has already changed so much in the world and we see what it can do.
Everyone wants to be understood
People don't seem to listen to teen or youth voices but sometimes they are the ones that have the best point of view or the best ideas. You never know what will come of it unless you lend a listening ear.