13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. death eaters

      Death Eaters

    2. triumphed

      Just something to be aware of, when we write about literature, we use the "historical present" verb tense. Everything is stated within present tense.

    3. .

      , which

      Insert a comma before a relative clause. A relative clause contains extra information that is attached to a sentence with "which."

    4. .


      Insert a comma before a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) when it separates two independent clauses.

    5. ,

      No comma.

    6. S


    7. .


      No period.

    8. .

      Move the annotation here.


  2. Aug 2023
    1. In the end, it turnsout that this legend was also true and the accepted history was in fact a false account,manipulated by a former Hogwarts headmaster to save his own reputation. I read thisas an affirmation of the potential of fictional stories—and particularly children’s stories,folklore and fairy tales—to transmit knowledge without necessarily claiming to holdthe absolute truth as other types of narratives masquerading as history or fact do.
    2. elf-destruction. Beedle’s tale also provides a commentary on narrative and, specifically,on narratives aimed at young readers

      It's honestly one of the most important messages of the series.

    3. Tom Riddle’s diary and its relationship with its readers is probably the best exampleof Gérard Genette’s concept of metalepsis in Rowling’s series, “an intrusion of theextradiegetic narrator or narratee into the diegetic universe (or by diegetic charactersinto a metadiegetic universe, etc.) or the inverse”

      Reliability is definitely questioned.

    4. I have some reservations regarding Cross’s negative viewof Dahlesque forms of humour, for I believe they fulfil the very basic need of laughingat that which in real life creates anxiety.

      But it is a lower form of humor because it relies on belittling someone else.

    5. When the narrator is inside Harry’s mind, Rowling often uses narrated monologueto represent Harry’s consciousness, among other types of figural narration. Narratedmonologue is “a character’s mental discourse in the guise of the narrator’s discourse”

      free and indirect discourse, right?

