8 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Polyphenols, the most abundant antioxidant in the human diet, have preventive properties for degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer [29]. Phytoestrogens, found most notably in soy, have been associated with lowered risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, and menopausal symptoms

      This bioactive compounds sound like they could be very beneficial for treating diseases in the future, & since these treatments come from natural sources, they may be easier & cheaper to manufacture than "synthetic" treatments that are produced in a lab. I wonder what other bioactive compounds have been found for medical use?

    2. litany

      Litany is defined as "a tedious recital or repetitive series." In this use, litany refers to the repetitive benefits of ecosystem services.

    3. terseness

      Terseness is defined as "the quality or state of being marked by or using only few words to convey much meaning." In this paper, terseness is used to describe the definition of ecosystem in the previous sentence as being short/concise.

    4. distal determinants

      A risk factor that is distant in scale, level, position, or time to the outcome of concern. Distal determinants are more difficult to identify than other risk factors

  2. Sep 2024
    1. reduce the release of plastics into the environment

      One method to reduce plastic in the ocean that I've heard of is using a particular bacteria to eat & break down the plastic. I've also heard of organizations dedicated to cleaning plastic off of beaches. I wonder what methods could be used to remove microplastics from the ocean, as their small size prevents typical cleanup methods from being used.

    2. coast of Corsica

      In case anyone did not know, Corsica is an island off of the coast of France. More specifically, it is located in the waters between France & Italy.

    3. oceanic gyres

      Oceanic gyres are circular patterns of currents that occur in ocean basins.

    4. deep-sea benthos

      Deep-sea benthos are animals/organisms that live on the sea-floor. Most of these organisms are invertebrates. A few examples include sea stars & sea urchins.