9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. Pass the Chalk

      Be careful not to cross those boundaries of "picking" a student. Knowing your students and how they interact is imperative. The student could be apprehensive about speaking or being actively involved.

    2. Evaluate & revise

      Evaluations can be time consuming. I would be interested in finding ways of evaluation that keeps it consistent yet beneficial.

    3. You will encounter a variety of methods

      I have found that keeping a log of those elements and keep them categorized helps keep them organized.

    1. Cool Tools Digital Differentiation http://d97cooltools.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/digital-differentiation-get-wired.html

      this one is mine

    2. Address the diverse

      By knowing your audience, (your students), and their diverse cultures, your classroom will be better suited to advance all the students.

    3. Provide guided questions.

      This is very helpful to students who are not strong writers. An outline or guide is beneficial and it get the students creativeness started.

    4. “menu” of activities

      If the students have choices, there is a want to learn instead of being pressured to just one way to perform a task.

    5. Flexible grouping

      Letting the students choose the grouping also may aid in a readiness to learn. Shoulder partners are a great way to blend studies and have peer to peer curriculum.

    6. challenging level

      You can find a challenge for any age group. Adjusting your curriculum to find what works.