179 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. [39]

      good video

    2. Figure 6.2

      include a key for these pictures that blue = deoxygenated blood and red = oxygenated blood so students will better understand these graphics.

    3. The great veins, the superior and inferior venae cavae,

      The great veins (the superior and inferior venae cavae) and the great arteries (the aorta and pulmonary trunk)... using parentheses helps read that sentence with better ease.

    1. Allergies

      I like this definition better than the one provided in the text.

    1. Test

      the last chapter's NGN question links required me to create an account and login, these links worked fine without requiring that.

    2. Interactive Activity

      fun activity, I like the variety and application of knowledge here.

    1. Rapid bronchodilation

      in the box right before this, it's stated "slower onset of action", here it states "rapid bronchodilation"- this may confuse students. I suggest deleting "rapid" here.

    2. Figure 5.13 Tiotropium, a Long-Acting Anticholinergic

      not a fan of this graphic- I've administered tiotropium before but never dismantled it like this, I think it would be confusing for students.

    1. [5]

      this was a good video!

    2. that doesn’t cause a reaction in most people

      delete? Many people have allergies of some kind or another- everyone reacts to bee venom (though it may not be an anaphylactic reaction), most people seem to have sensitivities to some type of food (Asians are typically lactose intolerant), etc. "Hay fever affects up to 1 in 5 people at some point in their life" https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/immune-system/hay-fever#:~:text=Hay%20fever%20is%20a%20common,part%20of%20their%20reproductive%20cycle.

    1. Test

      interesting- I never had issues with accessing the other NGN questions through LibreTexts but not I'm required to sign in with a username and password to access these questions~

    2. and


    1. Dosage is usually adjusted to patient’s BP and tolerance

      see comment above

    2. frequently

      see comment above

    3. Dosage is usually adjusted

      do you want to add "by the prescribing provider" or just remove this completely? I've administered clonidine lots but never adjusted it based on the pt's BP like a sliding scale- the current verbiage is written to suggest this and from my experience, is not true.

    4. frequently

      I don't like this word because it is so vague- I'd recommend either removing completely, adding in a more measurable frequency (i.e., before administration), or "per facility policy" although not everyone taking this med is in a nursing home...

    1. morning.

      may also want to comment that one should not use patches and nicotine gum or other nicotine cessation modalities concurrently due to toxicity

    1. External use only

      ..."for topical cream/powder" (otherwise, the oral swish & swallow doesn't make sense)

    1. epigastric distress

      repetitive? you mention gastrointestinal upset previously in this same sentence.

    1. -Epigastric distress

      see previous comments

    2. GI distress,

      see previous comments about consistent verbiage

    3. epigastric

      as previously mentioned, I'd suggest staying consistent with stomach vs. GI vs. epigastric

    4. gastrointestinal

      you've used the abbreviation GI previously

    1. epigastric distress

      decide between using epigastric / GI / stomach for consistency

    2. candidiasis

      "yeast infection" was used previously

    3. stomach

      GI / epigastric/ stomach - I'd suggest being consistent between terms, each of these has been used in the text.

    4. chew oral chewable

      this is cumbersome- it's inherent that "chewable" means oral so I would remove the word oral here.

    5. epigastric distress

      previously, GI distress was used- do you want to change this for consistency?

    1. certain

      change to particular - "certain" is used again later in the sentence, so is redundant.

    1. Acute Care Settings.

      this is the same link used above- redundant, I would suggest only using it in one place

    2. setting

      neat activity here!

    3. plan

      the plan:

    4. Figure 2.3

      nice graphic here

    1. “Speak Up Fact Sheet.”

      this wasn't a fact sheet, but instead promoting free posters and materials to advertise Speak Up- might want a different link

    2. administered the

      administered to the patient

    3. quackery

      not sure if a more "professional" word should be used here i.e. deceit, misinformation, dishonesty...? Quackery makes me think of witchcraft.

    1. frequently.

      going in hand with this section's information is calculating safe dosage ranges- not sure if you'd want to reference back to Nursing Skills so students can make this connection between these concepts? https://wtcs.pressbooks.pub/nursingskills/chapter/5-12-safe-dosage-range/

    2. [2

      Vancomycin is a common antibiotic that's dosed based on peak and trough values- could mention that in this paragraph just to give the students a real-life example.

    3. Figure 1.7

      I'm curious what the CpL stands for on the vertical axis bar? This might be distracting for the student as well?

    1. .[2]

      I would end this sentence with (for added emphasis so the student knows better what to study) ; therefore, when preparing for NCLEX, learn the brand names of medications."

    2. Roots

      Steroids commonly end in "sone" or "solone" i.e., prednisone/methylprednisolone, I don't see that in the chart? There may be others missing as well...

    3. Table 1.8

      I think adding a column at the end of this current chart would be helpful with some examples so that students can begin to see what's meant, i.e., "lidocaine" for analgesics. Otherwise, I like this chart!

    1. toxicity

      what type of toxicity? Are you meaning of kidneys, liver, etc.? might want to clarify?

    2. forward

      I don't know what's meant by "forward" here?

  2. Mar 2023
    1. resting comfortably

      I always document "appears comfortable" because "resting comfortably" is very objective unless the pt states so or there is other objective data (i.e., using the pain scale).

  3. Feb 2023
    1. Outline

      I don't know if I like this word- sounds too casual for all the safety checks a nurse needs to do beforehand- change it to something else? like "Identify"

    2. “speed shock”

      interesting terminology, I've never heard this before

    3. may a

      may be

    1. bifurcation

      define this to the reader

    2. ,

      based on your hospital's policy... we are not allowed at my hospital to draw blood from midlines FYI

    3. Nurses must consult their agency’s policy and procedures related to IV infusion to ensure compliance with organizational safety guidelines.

      this sentence is extremely vague, not sure what you're trying to say?

    4. . T

      using an alcohol wipe to ensure aseptic technique. (?)

    1. patient

      versus client

    2. various sizes of IV catheters

      I disagree with this- 18g or 20g are preferred and that's what's stated in that chapter for blood administration as well. I recommend changing this sentence to stay consistent.

    3. le

      extra space in here can be removed before the comma

    4. Figure 1.3 Arterial Blood Sampling

      this is a nice picture but that angle looks awfully steep? I've never performed an arterial blood sampling myself, but the ones I've witnessed do not have a 45 degree angle...

    5. waste removal.

      kidney functioning?

    1. Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI): A laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection not related to an infection at another site that develops within 48 hours of a central line placement. Most CLABSI cases are preventable with proper aseptic techniques, surveillance, and management strategies

      I don't recall seeing this content in the chapter?

    1. Learning Activities

      Great activities to review content! I like how they support the NGN formats.

    1. dressing

      I don't see that it mentions to date the dressing after it's applied to the patient/client?

    2. solution

      are you referring to Normal Saline 10mL syringes used for flushing?

    1. This aspiration and reinfusion sequence is repeated for four cycles.

      I'm not familiar with this process? It sounds confusing to me.

    1. Table 7.4c

      visuals really help with comparing the different types of AV blocks; including a photo of the rhythm with the description would be extremely helpful. I know there are images below but they're not next to the descriptions.

    2. Table 7.4a

      A picture next to each row to show the rhythm being explained would be helpful to visual learners; this chart is overwhelming otherwise trying to picture all this.

    3. Figure 7.28 Wolff Parkinson White (WPS) Syndrome

      I don't see that this is discussed previously in this chapter? So consider removing this strip

    1. Fluid resuscitation refers to infusing a large volume of fluid through the intravenous venous access to restore hemodynamics and optimize tissue perfusion and, ultimately, tissue oxygen delivery.

      good definition- I believe this term is used in either chapter 1 & 2, would be helpful to link to this definition to that or explain it earlier.

    1. .

      you have a period at the end of this line but not at the end of others; I would recommend removing the period here.

    2. Donor identification number

      I'm not familiar with this, or where it's located? Is this standard?

    3. l.

      and leave them with their call light within reach.

    4. .

      to ensure administration is complete within a 4-hour timeframe.

    5. 72 hours

      is this standard? My hospital will administer blood anytime during the patient's hospital stay so long as they had a blood sample taken, it's not limited to 72 hours prior- it could be even a week or two later after the blood sample was taken.

    1. patient

      client is used in other sections of the text- need to be consistent with terminology, i.e., versus patient

    1. intravascular volume

      elsewhere in this text you use the term "fluid resuscitation", not sure if you want to stay consistent with terminologies throughout?

    1. Obtain data related to age, gender, cardiac medications, recent blood pressure, and pain level.

      any reason why this is specific to obtaining a 12-lead EKG and not placing telemetry? Wondering if this should be added to 7.6

    1. Placement Verification by X-Ray

      It's hard to visualize this xray- is the downward arrow indicating the NG tube is coiling? I would suggest a clearer graphic, and to show side-by-side a properly placed NG tube next to an improperly placed one (in the lungs, etc.) so students can compare

  4. Jan 2022
    1. commonly

      "may"- I work as an inpatient nurse but I don't communicate regularly with security gards or surgical team members or even medical imaging techs. Plus, it depends what shift you work as to how much you interact with other departments- i.e., there are no case managers or social workers on pm's or nights.

  5. Jun 2021
    1. care

      the term used above is "adult day centers"- both should use the same terminology

    1. anxiety

      anxiety isn't a need, it's a feeling so either eliminate this word or reword the sentence

    2. ageism

      define this word so students understand its importance.

  6. May 2021
    1. Detail support for family/significant others caring for patients with a cognitive impairment

      remove- it's redundant of the next bullet point

    1. A quality of an institutional culture of safety where people regularly collect information and learn from errors and successes while openly sharing data and information and applying best evidence to improve work processes and patient outcomes.

      strung-on sentence with too many "and"'s; needs to be simplified

    1. It is a myth that proper body mechanics (including the use of gait belts) prevent patient handling injuries in nurses and health care workers.

      I don't like this sentence- it makes it sound like what students are taught as CNAs about proper body mechanics is a waste and not true. Instead, "Even proper use of gait belts and proper body mechanics can cause injuries in nurses" sounds better.

    2. ANA

      should write this word out

    3. environmental

      remove; lifting injuries aren't environmental so this isn't the right term for this sentence

    4. that affect their safet

      remove; it's repetitive

    1. very

      can remove this word

    2. n

      In America

    3. illicit

      don't hyphenate or break up this word, it breaks up the flow of the sentence.

    4. Figure 5.8 Bike Helmet

      FYI her chin strap on the right side is too loose so this isn't a good example because she's wearing a bike helmet but it's not properly fitted.

    5. use and installation of car seats.  

      ..proper use, positioning, and installation of car seats." positioning because states vary but each requires backward versus forward facing until a certain timeframe.

    1. Restraint Alternatives

      "this site cannot be reached" when I attempted to use it

    2. .

      cite the resource for this

    3. referring to

      remove this wording

    4. Hand Mitts

      a picture would be helpful to show what these are

    5. ANA

      Should be written out in a heading

    1. I have time while I am here in the room

      eliminate- it sounds like as soon as you leave, you don't have time for your patient

    2. Table 5.6b Hourly Rounding Protoco

      This is an odd-shaped table; make it regular size like Table 5.6a

    3. the


    4. or

      eliminate this word

    5. patient

      eliminate this word

    1. From time to time

      Per facility protocol, check patients and residents for bed sores.

    2. Use the goals to improve hand cleaning.

      redundant; this sentence can be eliminated.

    1. evidence

      evidence-based practice

    2. American Nurses Association

      can abbreviate ANA here

    3. and improve system safety performance.

      staff can contribute to improving system safety performance but their job isn't directly improving it per se so I would recommend rewording to "ensuring that staff possess the knowledge and competence to perform required duties safely and contribute to improving system safety performance".

    4. ,

      remove this comma- too many commas in this sentence

    5. controlled

      don't know if this word fits? Substitute with a different word?

    6. Kaiser Permantente


    1. oncoming


    2. urgently

      remove this word, unnecessary

    3. Joint Commission’s Do Not Use List of Abbreviations

      "item not found"- broken link

    4. a safe standard

      to create safe standards of care- plural

    5. human factors research

      this is an awkward & cumbersome sentence with this verbiage- change to an easier-reading sentence.

    1. Safety is so important when prioritizing patient care that it may receive priority over the breathing.

      rarely?? I can think of maybe one instance where this is true. To not confuse students, I would delete this sentence.

    1. education

      delete this word- QSEN was developed for practice, not just education.

    2. disease.

      resource?? Make sure these statistics are as current as possible- in 2020, covid was the 3rd leading cause of death.

    1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

      I would put this description & Figure 4.8 above Figure 4.7 because of its description & because Maslow's Hierarchy is listed at the top of Figure 4.7; when students get to Figure 4.7 they'll have a better understanding of Maslow's then.

    2. Putting it Together – Sample Nursing Diagnosis Statements

      It makes more sense to cluster ALL the information for each type of problem together instead of listing each of the 4 types & providing samples individually- it's more difficult to read.

    3. remove extra space

    4. Related factors

      "Related factors"- use quotations marks?

    5. intervals, periodic, or cyclic.

      stopping or starting again at intervals; periodic or cyclic.

    6. ,


    7. all

      eliminate this word

    1. Ethical and Legal Issues Relevant to the Nursing Process

      Should this section be moved to the legal/ethics? Seems out of place here. I know it states "relevant to the nursing process" but distracts from the rest of the chapter

    2. Caring and the Nursing Process

      Should this section be renamed & replaced to the chapter about [therapeutic] Communication? Seems out of place here.

    3. nursing and medical

      interdisciplinary? / teamwork?

    4. trend

      eliminate this word

    1. Contribute to the evaluation of patient outcomes

      Evaluate patient outcomes

    2. the

      eliminate this word

    3. Reflect priorities of patient care

      Prioritize patient care

    1. right hand and arm

      The SMART goal below identifies Mr. Hernandez to use a communication board, he is able to use his right hand & arm, may want to state somewhere that he is right-handed then somewhere?

    1. Figure 2.13 Discharge Teaching

      This picture looks like a doctor doing teaching because of the length of the white coat; the longer the coat (especially white) = the higher the degree. Maybe change this picture to one of a nurse (in scrubs, no coat on) sitting beside the patient (on their level).

    2. and

      eliminate this word

    1. . Therapeutic communication is

      I would combine these 2 sentences, otherwise the first 3 sentences in this paragraph all start the same. Instead of the period after patients, add a comma and go straight into "defined as..."

    1. Figure 2.5 Nurse’s Nonverbal Communication

      Just a note that she's not wearing gloves in this picture to administer a shot, wondering if there should be a different picture with proper administration?

  7. wtcs.pressbooks.pub wtcs.pressbooks.pub
    1. con

      Is there a way to get rid of these hyphens? It breaks up the flow of reading.

    2. stu

      Is there a way to get rid of these hyphens? It breaks up the flow of reading.

    3. cre

      Is there a way to get rid of these hyphens? It breaks up the flow of reading.

    4. prelicen

      Is there a way to get rid of these hyphens? It breaks up the flow of reading.