17 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. We can draw from real-life examples to get a better sense of this issue. For instance, when we say something like "I drove to the store", a couple of things are reasonably expected to be immediately understood. We don't need to say "I sat in and controlled a four-wheeled, enclosed platform, that is powered by the combustion of fossil fuel to a building that collects goods I want to obtain and can do so by exchanging fungible currency for said goods"

      I can use this as well instead of having flashcards because it is easier to relate to real life examples.

    2. Can you give an example from your previous classes where an instructor has used an anthropomorphism to describe a nonhuman thing? What were/are the trade-offs of the description (i.e. why did the description work and what were its limitations)?

      I can not recall if any professor has used an anthropomorphism for a nonhuman thing. All my courses have always been taught by a professor reading off the slides or information based on journals. I would say that this class might be using this more then anything because I have seen some metaphors used by students.

    3. Instructors might try to use various similes or metaphors to take advantage of mental pictures or conceptual models that students already have (drawn from everyday life) to explain something new.

      Metaphors related to life or just anything to make me remember it

    4. The act of drawing can also serves as a "self test."

      Relates back to the mental model because it is a self test your figuring out which term is correct with the definition or just different elements.

    5. How do you interpret the term mental model and why do you think that it is important for learning?

      The way I determine the definition for mental model is trying to paint a picture in my head instead of getting a piece of paper and doing a sketch. It is important to learn that way becuase some exams/quizzes are never open notes and having the knowledge to create this picture in your head will make you more confident in the material rather then being dependent on the paper. It is harder for me to do that but the habit is needed to be made because not everything will be open notes instead memorizing is essential for some careers such as doctors.

    6. As students, you need to learn a large new vocabulary, create mental models on which to "hang" new conceptual knowledge, and to demonstrate that you can actually use this new knowledge. This process challenges both the instructor and the student.

      Although creating mental models will help creating flashcards for vocab term and quizzing yourself helps!!

    7. Questions act as mini "self-tests" for students

      Ask when needed clarification instead of staying quiet and not understanding

    8. Questions stimulate students to examine a topic from a different perspective, one that the instructor considers relevant to student learning.

      Meow questions asked = more understanding of what is going on

    9. Some people may think studying biology is only about medicine—however, it can lead to or influence many careers

      I am one of those people who taught it was more about medicine and wild life more then anything. As the reading develops more and more I am starting to see how biology will be intertwined with my career of pursuing medicine.

    10. When we understand how to “rewire” cellular decision-making networks, we may gain the ability to regenerate functional limbs or organs from someone’s own tissue, or reprogram diseased tissues back to health. All of these examples represent a small fraction of  the multitude that exist in the natural world

      That is an amazing contribute!! When studying biology I always assumed that it taught us more about the animal and earth life instead of how it contributes to us. Reading this comment makes me eager to dive into deeper of what biology has to offer.

    11. Studying biology also helps us to understand and solve everyday problems.

      Although it helps us understand what solutions can be provided within a problem. Does it not contribute toward the understand of animals?

    12. Examine the following statement: "Natural selection acts for the good of the species."   Discuss what you think about this statement - perhaps invoking some of the reading above.

      My thinking always this information is that all species belong on a specific food chain meaning that we do not mix with animals because we are both different species one is human while another is mammals. The comment "The process of evolution by natural selection, however, happens randomly and without direction" meant that we got put into different categories that were assigned to use randomly rather then having to choose. If we were intertwined with other species then the natural order we have now would be so much different for the world we live in. There would be more violence and death.

    13. It is important to reiterate that while the phenotypes carried by individual organisms may be subject to selection, the process of evolution by natural selection both requires and acts on phenotypic variation within populations

      Can this term de discussed more profoundly in class because I could not understand it as much.

    14. But what are these characteristics or traits? What traits/features/functions can be subject to selection

      I always assumed that traits are the genes giving from mom and dad. Such as the color of your eyes from mom and hair color of your dad.

    15. The first idea you need to grasp is that evolution can be simply defined as the development/change of something over time. In the automotive industry, the shapes and features of cars can be said to evolve (change in time).

      I understand that evolution is the way an object changes over time meaning that it will not stay the same forever it has to change at some point. How does natural selection play a rolee in this?

    16. Applications include treating (human or other animal) patients, improving agricultural practices, developing new building materials, writing new energy policies, remedying global climate change, creating new works of art—the list goes on and on. For the curious, biology has plenty of unexplored mysteries.

      How does these impacts make individuals understand more the sense that biology provides? After learning this knowledge will be more open minded or close minded of how biology helps understanding the environment more?

    17. Understanding what the microbes which live in, on, and around us, do may help you decide whether to buy products labeled "antimicrobial" or "probiotic".

      Although these terms are very different from one another is there a point in time in particular that connects to one another?