18 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2016
    1. host

      Since in the beginning she references the hosts girlfriend, I assume that the host is gay. I think it is interesting how a lot of the poems we have been reading a lot of same sex relationships have been presented. I wonder if this has anything to do with the authors background?

    1. balance

      Both "Grief Calls us to the Things of This World" and "Love Calls us to the Things of This World" use balance however in "Things" Alexie uses unbalance.

    2. blessèd

      Both "Grief Calls us to the Things of This World" and "Love Calls us to the Things of This World" used blessed however in this poem a stress is added

    3. The soul

      Both "Grief Calls us to the Things of This World" and "Love Calls us to the Things of This World" use the soul

    4. angels

      Both "Grief Calls us to the Things of This World" and "Love Calls us to the Things of This World" talk about angels and in "Grief" it is used multiple times

    5. astounded

      Both "Grief Calls us to the Things of This World" and "Love Calls us to the Things of This World" use the word astounded

    6. The eyes open to a

      Both "Grief Calls us to the Things of This World" and "Love Calls us to the Things of This World" start with "the eyes open to a"

    1. thick green light

      I think it is interesting how Owen uses the thick green light in his poem. We saw this light in Gatsby and it mainly symbolized what Gatsby could never have- Daisy. So I wonder if the green light symbolizes something about war here.

    1. Whom first the cramp of hope does tear,And then the palsy shakes of fear

      I find it interesting how Marvell talks about how the body can deal and overcome physical pain however, emotional pain is much more severe and there is not some type of medicine you can take to "cure" it. Emotional pain is something that has to be fixed over time.

  2. Dec 2015
    1. cloudless climes

      I really enjoy the alliteration in this poem- it flows very well and has a musical tone to it

    1. Something there is that doesn't love a wall,

      What is the effect of the repeated line in this poem?

    2. Interesting how the poem doesn't contain any breaks or any rhyme scheme..

    1. sings

      Singing= hope

    2. dares to claim the sky

      This is an example of personification. Angelou gives the bird human-like abilities.

    1. Pied

      At first I thought this poem was going to be about pie but then as I read along, I realized obviously I was wrong. So I went ahead and looked up what the word pied meant and it means something that has more than one color. I think this is an interesting word choice by Hopkins.

  3. Nov 2015
    1. A noiseless patient spider

      Writing the title in the first line of the poem adds emphasis to the imagery of the spider

    1. Of his self-love

      I think it's interesting how the tone of the sonnet changes here... The whole time Shakespeare talks in a positive tone about how the young man needs to have a child and then suddenly he switches to a more negative tone and talks about how the young man can be egotistical and ruin his own life (making a tomb of selfishness and not having a child carry on that beauty).