6 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. Data might be non-rivalrous in nature, meaning that it can distributed for marginal cost but the initial copy needs to be paid for along with on-going data management and customer service

      I would argure that cost exceeds what is deemed as marginal as the cost to orchestrate the peope,processes, and technology to publish a dataset takes time, and time is money

  2. Aug 2022
    1. If we want to build an application that relies upon a third-party linked dataset, we are relying upon whoever publishes that dataset to continue to feed it with resources. 

      is this not the same with open source libraries wrt to adding features,fixing bugs?

      if you could fork the dataset, you have liberty to evolve yourself as well

    2. It confuses the identity of the real-world thing with the identity of the data structure that represents it. It introduces an element into the data structure that is not universally addressable and thus cannot be linked to outside its definition for no good reason. Just because we don’t know the identity of the thing, does not and should not mean we cannot address the structure describing the unknown thing. RDF tools often interpret blank nodes in such a way that their identifiers can be changed at will, meaning that it is hard to mitigate the problem in practice. (In TerminusDB we skolemize all blanc nodes

      I always thought about blank nodes as local scope variables in programming terms.

    1. Code enables engineers to create highly visible

      visibility is not acessibility. (via github). code is largely opaque and its understandabiliiity iis largely dependent on the discipline/habits of. the coder

  3. Mar 2022
    1. While the data may be in one place, a collection of data silos is logically created, whereby any new analysis creates a new data structure silo of its own.  

      each time data scientist/engineer forms a new derivative structure of operational data, they have collected the context needed by any means necessary but it is not represented automatically in derivative work itself. here lies the problem I think