12 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. If the immediate goal of the action of trolling is to cause disruption or provoke emotional reactions, what is it that makes people want to do this disruption or provoking of emotional reactions?

      Overtime trolling has evolved to be less satirical and more hateful. That is not to say there were not hateful forms of trolling before, because there were. However, with the entire internet at one's fingertips, I think people constantly try to one-up each other and cause large-scale reactions.

    1. Hazing: Causing difficulty or suffering for people who are new to a group

      I find it interesting that trolling is such a common practice in basic social groups. We often think of trolling as an online activity when in fact people likely come across trolling on a day to day basis.

    1. The way we present ourselves to others around us (our behavior, social role, etc.) is called our public persona. We also may change how we behave and speak depending on the situation or who we are around, which is called code-switching.

      I find this interesting because alternate personas are common in social media. Often times people act differently when presenting themselves behind a screen. Moreover, many people have completely different identities.

    1. As a rule, humans do not like to be duped. We like to know which kinds of signals to trust, and which to distrust. Being lulled into trusting a signal only to then have it revealed that the signal was untrustworthy is a shock to the system, unnerving and upsetting. People get angry when they find they have been duped. These reactions are even more heightened when we find we have been duped simply for someone else’s amusement at having done so.

      I think this has become a prevalent issue the last few years when looking at politics. The right and the left have felt so divided in recent time and it is difficult to watch politics without feeling like you may be getting "duped."

    1. Friendster, Myspace, and LinkedIn. These were websites where the primary purpose was to build personal profiles and create a network of connections with other people, and communicate with them. Facebook was launched in 2004 and soon put most of its competitors out of business, while YouTube, launched in 2005 became a different sort of social networking site built around video.

      I find it interesting that many of the new social media platforms took inspiration from websites such as Myspace. In many aspects the original social media platforms paved the way for a superior version to come along.

    2. Weblogs

      It is interesting looking back on some of the original forms of social media. I remember growing up as a kid thinking. I could find anything on the internet. That sentiment has become more true overtime.

    1. Sounds are represented as the electric current needed to move a speaker’s diaphragm back and forth over time to make the specific sound waves. The electric current is saved as a number, and those electric current numbers are saved at each time point, so the sound information is saved as a list of numbers.

      I found this very interesting. I wonder if this plays a role in how AI voice changers are being used. AI continues to improve their voice impressions. I imagine the computer is accounting for the specific sound waves.

    1. dditionally the text strings we saw before are actually stored internally as lists of characters.

      I wonder how the data grouping has changed since Elon Musk took over the platform. I imagine it being similar. However, with the new guidelines around the blue check mark and also the addition of the engagement feature I wonder if there are differences.

    1. Does the fact that it is a bot change how you feel about its actions?

      Yes and no. I want to say no because someone still created the bot and made it preform specific actions. The bot feels like a mask for the user and therefore, the responsibility should fall on them. However, I would be lying if I said seeing a bot put out a message made me feel the same as a real person. When I see a bot put out information I subconsciously take it less seriously.

    2. This allows the protesters to remain anonymous and the donkey unaware of it’s political mission.

      This is a very clever method of pushing an agenda without receiving any of the fallback. I find it kind of funny that someone would make a bot or a donkey to push a message, but would not be willing to fight against the opposition.

  2. Mar 2023
    1. What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.

      I think this quote is interesting because it clearly has evolved into the phrase, "treat others how you want to be treated." I heard this saying many times when I was younger and I believe it is still a valuable lesson.

    1. Trying to force something to happen will likely backfire.

      I agree with this definition of Taoism. However, I would like to add some detail on how it has evolved overtime. In modern day society Taoism closely related to the laissez faire communication model. In this approach to communication families show low levels of conformity. Parents believe it is up to the kid to experience and learn lessons on their own. In other words, trying to force something will not maximize the growth of the children.