- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
It is important for students to recognize that although technology gives us a lot of power, it also restricts us in many ways, and we need to question how the affordances of technology modify our communication and our behavior.
technology gives us power, but with that great power means great responsibility. Also, it can be a distractions whether is keeping us out of our outside world or from interacting with people face to face. It could also change our behavior as well because we can be more restricted to how people see us in person than as someone online.
- Oct 2016
presnick.people.si.umich.edu presnick.people.si.umich.edu
Affordance Description ExamplesDistantcommunicationThe sender and receiver need not becollocated.Video conferencing, email,instant messaging, webcamAsynchronouscommunicationThe recipient of communication accesses itat a later time.Voice mail, emailPeripheralpresentationAn interaction need not take the user's fullattention, and may not come to the attentionof other people who are co-present.Vibrating beeper, headphones,heads-up display inautomobile
Distance communication brings together people together, even though they live far from each other. There are modern ways to interact as well as old school ways from video calling or beepers.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
For instance, the study found some evidence that divers were more likely to spend time working outside jobs during the school year, which hints at financial stress as a complicating circumstance in their lives.
The transition from high school to college is a turning point in our lives. Some of us leave our homes and begin our independent journey. There is many opportunities to get help or even programs before the start of college to get the proper transition you need. The atmosphere completely changes and we must adapt. With change comes new study habits resulting in changes in our academic performance. We realize that we have so much time on our hands but it is up to us to figure out how we are going to spend it. Basically it is like saying you are at war with no gear. There is also financial stress to the student because studies have shown that the student with average grades spends more time on outside jobs working than in college.
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
First of all, the more we talk, the less pressure they are under to read carefully beforehand – and the texts we make them read reveal the certain way of thinking much better than our (amateur) lecturing does. Second, as I said, when we talk for long periods I just don’t think they can focus enough (and I don’t think that is a defect in them at all). Third, as I also said, the most effective way to make them think in the certain way that we want them to be able to, is to induce them to talk in that way.
It is always a good thing to talk in a class discussion to understand the concept of the topic you are learning. It also helps by not having lots of pressure to do an assignment on your own and you could get some feedback on what other classmates think about the topic. Everyone has their own way of learning how to learn new things.
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
I am also very deliberate about the questions I ask. Normally, class discussions are a response to some problem or prompt that I have devised, which related to a problem that arises in the reading, or directly about the reading itself, and which they have written down either on a handout or (if its short, and this is generally better) on a ppt slide.
Basically in a class discussion, we talk about a situation and find answers. For example when a class discussion is about a solution to a problem, it is presented by a written handout (if its short) or a ppt slide if its long.
- Sep 2016
www.historytoday.com www.historytoday.com
'New' is of course a relative term. For those who today call themselves social historians but whose early training was in more specifically economic history, the present search for quantifiable data is a natural progression and the urge to encompass the whole of society no more than axiomatic.
people today call themselves social historians but only focus on searching for quantifiable data. Early training was more specifically in economic history.
Social history has the defects of its qualities. Its preference for 'human' documents and for close-up views have the effect of domesticating the subject matter of history, and rendering it – albeit unintentionally – harmless.
Social history is documented my people who were in the century. It could be wrong info but it is a history event that occurred.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Unfortunately, however, states’ mandates go beyond the capacity and capabilities of their standards, tests, data systems and existing curricula.
sometimes states go out of their minds by requiring a lot of information in order to attend college or university
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Students who go to college part time, over many years, attending multiple institutions, come to equate a college education with counting credits and hoping that they transfer. But that is because students have been seeking credits, perhaps out of the necessity of their own working or personal lives, rather going to college.
students want credits to transfer to another school, but they tend to find credit outside of college which is working.
www.nea.org www.nea.org
The explanation for our apparent inefficiency in switching back and forth between projects has to do with the manner in which our brains process conceptual or higher-level information.
Multitasking can sometimes be hard because our brains are focus on one tasked when it comes to do another task at the same time, its impossible because our brains can only focus on one task at a time.