13 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. There are four steps in the digestion process

      ingestion, mechanical and chemical breakdown, and swallowing

    2. excreted


    3. "catabolism" or a "catabolic reaction"

      the breakdown of complex molecules into smaller, simpler molecules.

    4. Sights and smells influence your body’s preparedness for food.

      your senses help detect when you are hungry

    1. carbon atom

      backbone of life because it can bond to 4 other elements.

    2. one-celled organism must be organized to perform these essential processes

      all cells have to go through the basic processes of life

    3. Who you are has been determined because of two cells that came together inside your mother’s womb.

      2 cells are the cause for my existence.

    1. Will you eat your way to health with probiotic foods?

      I already actively ingest probiotics.

    2. Irina gave the grains to the Blandov brothers who mass-produced kefir from these kernels. To this day, kefir is one of the most widely enjoyed beverages in Russia.

      She ended up getting the grains anyways.

    3. Irina was kidnapped and brought back to marry him

      ..and this is where it went wrong.

    4. The Blandov brothers had a beautiful employee, Irina Sakharova, whom they sent to the courts of the Caucasus tribe of Prince Bek-Mirza Barchorov in order to charm the recipe out of him.

      This couldn't possibly go wrong.

    5. fermented milk

      reason for long lifespans and resistance to disease

    6. Russian doctor of immunology, Elie Metchnikoff
