24 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
    1. That is, we act the way most people—ormost people like us—ac

      I feel like this can be applied to being in other cultures besides your own. When you aren't sure what the cultural norms are you look to the people around you to see what they are doing so that you can follow them.

    2. We don’t want to look out of step or become the target of criticism just becausewe like different kinds of music or dress differently than everyone else.

      I remember this being a big deal especially during middle school/ high school years. I feel like those are the ages where you would rather stay "under the radar" than express yourself through clothing. Kids would beg their parents to buy the clothes that all the other girls were wearing to avoid being made fun of.

    1. Both would be insulted, in fact,if their partner were to abruptly terminate the conversation before it came to a spontaneousconclusio

      I find this interesting because in our culture it is the other way around. It would be considered rude to arrive late to the next appointment than to cut a conversation short. An individual is also understanding if you do have to interrupt a conversation because being on time is an important rule to us.

    2. People tend to spend more oftheir work time on-task in some cultures and more of that time socializing—informal chatting,having tea or coffee with others, etc.—in other cultures.

      This is so out of the norm for me as I'm sure it is for most American workers. Even whn there are slow days in just about any job, there are always little things to be done. For example if you work in retail there are always clothes to fold or displays to fix. I work at a veterinary clinic and the time I'm not spending with the doctor or patients, I'm cleaning. At most jobs you would be fussed at for socializing.

    1. the idea that emotional suppressionand repression impair psychological functioning

      This reminds me of something we talked about in Dr. Basset's Death and Dying class. We learned about the different ways cultures handle the emotions after losing a loved one. Some cultures express the emotions freely (crying, taking time from work, grieving), but other cultures are not allowed to show any emotions of grieving or must do it in privacy.

    2. Across cultures, participants “recognized” the emotional facial expressions, matching eachpicture with its “correct” emotion word at levels greater than chance.

      This is very similar to the studies that are done in the research I'm doing for my project. I am researching the differences in facial expressions across cultures. The majority of the studies research the difference in how Caucasian's and Asian's interpret expressions of emotions.

  2. Mar 2019
    1. . Older adults might find texting in the middle ofa face-to-face conversation rude while younger people often do not

      When I was younger this is something my parents found rude and enforced a rule that while eating dinner together we could not use out phones. But now as we have gotten older and technologies have become the norm, even my parents are on their phones almost as much as we are.

    2. In this way, anthropologists often attemptto understand and appreciate culture from the point of view of the people within it.

      This statement reminds me of when I took an anthropology class here at Lander and our professor showed us a documentary about Julia Roberts living with a Mongolian nomad family for days to learn about and live their culture. The link I have attached is just one part of the documentary. Here she is learning about the Mongolian's relationship with wild horses.

    1. t the same time, though, SDOis not just about being personally dominantand controlling of others; SDO describes apreferred arrangement of groups withsome on top (preferably one’s own group)and some on the bottom.

      This reminds of me of the T.V series "Gossip Girl". The majority of this show is about high school/college age girls trying to keep the hierarchy of cliques between the wealthy girls from the upper east side and the middle class girls.

    1. Social learning theory argues that gender roles are learned throughreinforcement, punishment, and modeling.

      This makes me think of traditional parenting.Parents are more likely to tell their sons not to play with dolls or wear pink and daughters are likely to be told not to rough play or that they shouldn't play certain sports. As we progress on you are seeing parents be more flexible and less stereotypical in what they teach as far as gender roles.

    2. Afterpuberty, girls are also more likely to beunhappy with their bodies than boys

      I believe society and media has a role in this statement. Media is so focused on body image and a particular type of body. This is especially targeted towards young girls. Magazines and commercials typically advertise beautiful, thin women so when young girls look at these standards it can cause insecurity in their body.

  3. Feb 2019
    1. Second, video game players are more likely to identify with a violent character than TVwatchers.

      This makes sense because unlike when someone is watching a movie, you can control the characters actions when playing a video game.

    2. Females are much more likely than males to engage in relational aggression, defined asintentionally harming another person’s social relationships, feelings of acceptance, orinclusion within a group

      As a young woman, I can remember experiencing these actions from other girls all throughout school. While boys are more likely to physically express their aggression, girls tend to express theirs through targeting other's emotions.

    3. You might be surprised to learn that toddlers 1 to3 years old are most aggressive. Toddlers often rely on physical aggression to resolve conflictand get what they want

      I also find this interesting. This contributes to what's called the "terrible two's". Children are just now learning what is the right and wrong way to deal with their negative emotions.

    4. Global violence has also steadily decreased since the middle of the 20thcentury.

      I find this interesting and informative. It seems like we have so much violence and aggression in the world because everything is magnetized by social media when in reality it is actually decreasing.

    1. Potential helpers consider how much helping will cost and compare those costs to the rewardsthat might be realized

      This makes me realize how often we do this. When I see someone who needs help I don't think about if I will get a reward form it, but I do think about what it could cost me. For example, if I were to see a man broken down on the side of the road or if someone were to stop me in a parking lot asking for jumper cables, I would be less inclined to help them as a young woman, alone for my own safety.

    2. Knowing that someone else could help seems to relieve bystanders of personalresponsibility, so bystanders do not intervene

      I have often heard or thought myself when noticing someone who could use help saying "I hope someone helps them" or "someone will help them" but do not stop and lend the hand. So while people may look at someone and recognize they need a hand, they will assume someone else will stop and do it so there is no need for them to.

    1. Taken together, these findings show that peoplewith cooperative SVOs act with greater consideration for the overall well-being of others andthe group as a whole, using resources in moderation and taking more effortful measures (likeusing public transportation to protect the environment) to benefit the group

      I think this sentence supports that people with cooperative SVO's make successful group leaders. Being mainly concerned for the group's well being and using your resources to benefit the group I feel like will get you further than if one only prioritized their individual success.

    2. From the trust that people place inothers to the lines they draw between “us” and “them,” many different processes shapecooperation

      I think this introduces the complexity of cooperation. While the article claims that we as humans need cooperation to thrive and survive there is also separation within this. It could either be we work for what is best for us as an individual disregarding the group or we have groups working against other groups.

    1. ithout earlypredictors, and in the absence of a firm diagnosis until behavioral symptoms emerge,treatment is often delayed for two or more years, eclipsing a crucial period in whichintervention may be particularly successful in ameliorating some of the social andcommunicative impairments seen in ASD

      This makes me wonder if this could be changed. Would educating parents before birth help so they would know what to look for or are the predictors often passed off as just "slow to develop" or just a difficult baby because the child is so young?

    2. Consider the results of an eye tracking study in which Pelphrey and colleagues (2002) observedthat individuals with autism did not make use of the eyes when judging facial expressions ofemotion (see right panels of Figure 1)

      I find this very interesting and I really like the visual that this study gives of the eye tracking between normal and autistic eye patterns. We are always told that making eye contact is important. It helps us read feelings and emotions so I could only imagine the frustration one may feel if they have difficulties doing this. It also makes me think about the response others may have in turn to someone avoiding eye contact if they are unaware the person has autism.

  4. Jan 2019
    1. Children’s notionsof friendship often focus on sharedactivities, whereas adolescents’ notions offriendship increasingly focus on intimateexchanges of thoughts and feelings

      I notice this from my own experience from childhood into adolescents. When you're younger you tend to be friends who are interested in the same activities whether that be a sport you played in school or any extracurricular. As you grow older into adulthood you can sometimes distance from those friends and gain others who have similar mindsets, thoughts and opinions as you.

    2. To assess the nature of attachment,researchers use a standard laboratory procedure called the “Strange Situation,” which involvesbrief separations from the caregiver (e.g., mother) (Solomon & George, 2008). In the StrangeSituation, the caregiver is instructed to leave the child to play alone in a room for a short time,then return and greet the child while researchers observe the child’s response

      This is something I remember learning about in Dr. Snyder's childhood development class. The reaction the child had to the caregiver entering back in the room correlated with what type of parenting style the child was raised under.

    3. they promote children’s motivation to stay close to those whocare for them and, as a consequence, to benefit from the learning, security, guidance, warmth,and affirmation that close relationships provide

      I agree with this statement. Depending on who a child's primary caregiver is growing up that is the person they are more likely to feel safe with and learn from when they come across new things and obstacles throughout life.