4 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. At least one per cent will probably devote the time not spent in professional work to pursuits of some public importance, and, since they will not depend upon these pursuits for their livelihood, their originality will be unhampered, and there will be no need to conform to the standards set by elderly pundits.
    1. if we value the life of a child more than going to fancy restaurants, the next time we dine out we will know that we could have done something better with our money.

    1. For my visual annotation I chose paragraph 31 on page 150. "I was shocked to realize that some things are not worth acquiring." When I analyze this quote I picture a poor man/woman who are surprised that a wealthy person is throwing away a perfectly good meal or leftovers. The poor people sort of live to the fullest, where as the rich people take what they have for granted because they have so much and do not realize it.