22 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. ”fluorinated substances that contain at least one fully fluorinated methyl or methylene carbon atom (without any H/Cl/Br/I atom attached to it), i.e., with a few noted exceptions (represented by a carbon atom instead having H/Cl/Br/I atoms attached), any chemical with at least a perfluorinated methyl group (−CF3) or a perfluorinated methylene group (−CF2−) is a PFAS” [51].

      Recent, Broader definition of PFAs.

    2. PFAS substances represent a serious concern for human health potentially inducing alterations in the development, lipid metabolism and endocrine system, cancerogenicity, immunotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and reprotoxicity.

      Likelihood of cancer, effects nervous system, hormone production, damages fats in body, and alters development.

    3. List of typical PFAS uses in industrial and consumers products.

      Multiple legitimate uses for PFAs (Biocides, Fire-fighting, Aviation, Household chemicals. Although personal care products such as make up and shampoo shouldn't contain PFAs, nor should products like dental floss and lotions which are used directly on the body.

    4. The exceptional strength of the C-F bond confers very high thermal and chemical stability

      Bond strength explains why PFAs can survive harsh environments and not break down.

    5. PFAS have been detected in the air [33,34], groundwater [35,36], freshwater [17,37], marinewater [38,39], drinking water [40,41] and soil [42,43,44]

      will end up in fish, soil, drinking water, and produce (humans will most likely consume them)

    6. Common features of PFAS are represented by their chemical stability which causes environmental persistence [10], their high mobility which confers them a long-range transport potential [11] causing their pervasive spreading even into remote regions (e.g., the Arctic’s or Antarctic’s)

      Can travel long distances without being broken, and it's persistence allows it to survive in the Arctic and Antarctic

    7. Of note, while the PFAS family has rapidly expanded into an impressive number of more than 4700 different substances including both the “legacy PFAS” (i.e., PFOS, PFOA) and the “emerging PFAS” (e.g., GenX)

      Still being produced, while legacy are more controlled.

    8. evidence indicate that these compounds represent also a serious concern for both wildlife and human health as a result of their ubiquitous distribution, their extreme persistence and their bioaccumulative potential

      PFAs share the same characteristics that microplastics do. It's everywhere, it's hard to break down, and can accumulate in the body.

    1. MNPs accumulate within and affect the proper functioning of the placenta – the vital organ of pregnancy responsible for all maternal-fetal exchange

      MNPs accumulate could affect the infant and the mother, how many microplastics could the child be exposed to?

    2. Observations in both maternal mice and rats exposed to PS-NPs during gestation, ranging in size from 20 to 500nm, demonstrated the presence of these particles in fetal liver (96, 108, 109), heart (96, 109), brain (99, 108, 109), lung (108, 109), and kidney (109). Interestingly, a similar exposure using PE-MPs (10-45µm) resulted in MP accumulation exclusively in fetal kidneys (110). In humans, MNPs have been measured in fetal meconium (36, 46, 47) and amniotic fluid (102), and using an ex vivo human placenta perfusion model, a size dependent transfer of MNPs from the maternal to fetal circulation has been described (111, 112).

      Observed in rats, MNPs are present in the off-spring of rats exposed to MNPs.

    3. However, there remain considerable gaps in understanding that prevent a thorough assessment of whether current MNP exposures contribute to significant human infertility or disease.

      The research isn't there to prove MNPs significantly contribute to infertility.

    4. In rodent models, exposure to phthalates and BPA can induce alterations in DNA methylation patterns (70–73), histone modifications (73, 74), and non-coding RNA expression within the germline. These changes can disrupt normal epigenetic programming during critical windows of spermatogenesis, leading to impaired sperm development, reduced sperm quality, and compromised fertility

      Phthalates and BPA were other chemicals I want to research.

    5. elated to cellular growth and development, coupled to poor sperm quality and fertility outcomes

      In humans, may effect cellular growth, sperm quality and fertility outcomes.

    6. distinct changes in reproductive hormone signalling are observed, with reductions in the circulating concentrations of estradiol (E2) and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), and increased concentrations of LH, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone

      Changes in reproductive hormones

    7. in rodent models leads to reduced sperm quantity and quality (51–54, 57, 59, 61, 64, 65) in addition to reduced testicular androgen production (57) and circulating levels of testosterone

      in rats, male fertilitary has been affects and hormones reduced.

    8. MNPs have been found in a diverse range of biological samples, including blood (30, 31), urine (32), sputum (33), feces (34, 35), and breast milk (36, 37). Further, MNP accumulation has been identified in numerous organ systems including lung (38–43), colon and spleen (44)

      MNPs are present in many parts of the body

    9. MNPs can cross the physiological barriers of the lungs, gut, and skin

      MNPs are small enough to cross barriers of the lungs, gut, and skin bypassing regulatory organs to process the chemicals

    10. There is concern that chemicals contained within MNPs, or those absorbed to their surface, can be carried into the human body and released into various tissue beds (24). In this way, MNPs act as a vehicle for toxic exposure to a number of xenobiotics, which may bypass typical physiological defences such as drug-metabolizing enzymes in the gut and liver and induce direct effects to the cells/tissues surrounding the internalized MNPs (25).

      MNPs can expose people to xenobiotics by bypassing the gut, liver, and effect surrounding cells.

    11. A recent review estimated that over 10,000 unique chemicals are used at various stages in plastics manufacturing, of which roughly 2,400 have been identified as chemicals of regulatory concern (22).

      In plastic manufacturing, 2400 out of 10000 chemicals of regulatory concern.

    12. However, polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene are the three most common occurring polymers (5), being found in a countless number of household and personal care products (9, 10), cosmetic products (11), toothpaste (10, 12, 13) and plastic food containers (14).

      MNPs vary in chemicals, shapes, and are found in household, personal care, plastic food containers and cosmetic products.

    13. Microplastics are omnipresent in our environment, being found in large quantities in oceans, rivers, ground water, sediments and soil environments, sewage, and even the air we breathe

      MPs result from the breakdown of larger plastics. not only are MPs everywhere, they're resistant to biodegradation.

    14. microplastic accumulation was observed in the human placenta, raising important questions related to the biological effects of these contaminants on the health of pregnancies and offspring

      microplastic dangerous to pregnant women and infants