88 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Conviction is an internal state that we build, while certainty is the external removal of doubt.

      put another way—conviction becomes certainty over time (if u continue to pursue the thing ur doing and things are going well)

    1. Note that this doesn't mean that it has to be fun. It will likely be the opposite.

      welllll....I think it can and should feel fun

    1. An artifact pulls forward some small part of a future world that currently exists only in your head and lets other people interact with it.

      not surveys? is that bc opinion-gathering is too much about hypothetical future actions and doesn't validate via existing present action?

      I guess the reception to an artifact is inherently a survey—although it constrains the reception to the vehicle of the artifact's form

    2. This does not mean you can MVP your way to venture-scale. That’s the builder’s trap.

      is this slop-shipping?

    3. If you find yourself spending more than a few days in a row reading instead of doing, that’s a good sign to course correct.

      i was doing too much of this and ambient input-ingesting hoping that the spark of genius would come to me while just living life

    4. Early on, you are probably polishing a rock.


    5. You have to imagine and articulate a vision beyond what you’re capable of building right now

      it has to be just out of reach

    1. Spend a bit of it up front so you don’t waste more of it later.

      wisdom teeth cost lol

    2. A low-proof fundraise is more likely to leave you without a clear path to product market fit or your next round of financing.

      it's possibly more dangerous to raise a seed round and fail than to not raise at all

  2. Feb 2024
    1. too


    2. Kim Kardashian can command the attention of tens of millions of people with the crack of her ass.

      and u wish u could command a fraction of that attn

    3. She’s got it all figured out.

      hating from the outside of the club

    4. This woman has contributed absolutely nothing to humanity

      bitches looooove to rag on Kim K and it's literally just misogyny. she's contributed more to culture than 10000 of these guys

    5. But of course, somebody smarter than me was there like 10 years before I was.

      it's not about being smart it's about distributing it in the most interesting way

    6. bite-sized, meaningless content that you hate looking at, but for some reason can’t look away from

      this is why my relationship with social media is fine bc if u hate it so much simply exercise some self control and get off it. everything I've ever consumed on social media has been bc I wanted to

    1. If you are, you'll do just fine, in this world and the next.

      this is what it's 👏🏼 all 👏🏼 about 👏🏼

    2. it's a headache to manage creative types

      LOL is that why they get paid so little

    3. the king crab legs

      or just the unique item

    4. because they're too proud or because it isn't part of their brand

      we gotta make F pride-worthy AND fun

    5. The fact is, great content is not yet commodified.

      imagine a social media platform where all the content is good

    1. When the stakes are high and the outcome of the game is all that matters

      urgency and vision in a co

    1. The result is that I rarely if ever visit the homepage of the NYTimes; I use other sources of signal (for example, Twitter or Techmeme links) to send me directly to what I need within those sites.


    2. it demands focused, unbroken attention from you right now

      structural interestingness (instead of content-based)

    1. AI can take many of the best aspects of human logic and scale them, make them reliable

      I mean chatgpt has historically only given me great interpersonal advice

    2. But what's concerning for the world is how rarely we operate at the limits of our potential


    3. scientific propositions are moralized

      the left agenda

    1. mine some of the most relevant content from the billions of Tweets

      it's about structuring raw data

    2. They lowered the content generation cost on creators without meaningfully increasing it for viewers.

      it is all about lowering the effort to create UGC

    3. truncating the whole of it after some limit and posting a Read More button to allow readers to see the rest of the thought

      ok but consider that the breaking up of long blocks of text into digestible bite sized pieces helps retain engagement on the tweet/thread better bc bitches can't focus nowadays

    4. I'm sure he appreciates being set in his artistic place


    1. flagged for the sociopath track (in general terms), but slowly have come to the realization that this seems more and more like the clueless track instead

      apm programs be like

    2. They must choose to either construct false narratives or decline apparent opportunities.

      oof this must be so hard to tell the diff betn

    3. Oscar, the ironic-token gay character, has his intellectual posturing.

      ofc he does

    4. He then severely under-performs in order to free up energy to concentrate on maneuvering an upward exit.

      is this my biography...

    5. The line could apply to Stanley’s entire life.


    6. lack of principles

      that part

    7. coasting when they cannot

      formerly me—so I would've been a loser LOL

    8. in the fifties

      big How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying energy

    9. it is a fierce desire to control his own destiny


    1. not just for notoriety's sake

      I mean I'm sure these other sayings also were borne of situational needs

    2. One year Jeff announced at an All Hands meeting that someone I knew, Barnaby Dorfman, had won the contest. Jeff said the prize was that he'd buy something off the winner's Amazon wish list, but after pulling Barnaby's wish list up in front of the whole company on the screen

      ugh I live for insider culture like this. nothing else like it

    3. Maybe only the first row or two of soldiers needs to hear the motivational speech because they're the first to run into a hail of bullets and arrows?


  3. Jan 2024
  4. Dec 2023
    1. few CEO's are going to admit that the job to be done for their company is stroking people’s egos

      me on the other hand,,,,

    2. I've got rosé


    3. The designation of which status games are acceptable is itself a status game

      in other words, who's winning the idgaf war

    4. It's a strategy that is only viable if you can achieve the size of subscriber base that a Netflix has

      but also loses relevance with that sort of scale, I tell myself

    5. status-centered products are distasteful or mysterious to them, often both

      touch of the 'tism

    6. entrepreneurs complain about 30 under 30 lists while wishing to be on them

      ain't that the truth

    7. useful features are trivial to copy

      this is where Queue sits

    8. Instagram because of the ease of creating multiple accounts to match one's portfolio of identities, Snapchat for its best in class ease of visual messaging privately to particular recipients.

      this sounds like what young people want/need is the digital ability to codeswitch, but could it also be solved by the ability to be perceived through many diff lenses (i.e. to have the multitudes on display)?

    9. At some point, it's not worth learning any new tricks at all

      not if u enjoy learning for the sake of learning tho

    10. 2,000 word essay from Žižek


    11. well Facebook's attempt to duplicate just about every social app with any traction anywhere


    12. We don't have one messaging app to rule them all in the world, but instead a bunch that have won in particular geographies.

      this is also why YC often funds a "X for South America/Africa/etc" type of co

    13. Conversely, if you come up with one great video but the rest of your work is mediocre, you can't count on continued distribution on TikTok

      incentivizes u to put ur pussy into every video every time

    14. The star is the filter, not the user, and so it didn't really make sense to follow any one person over any other person.

      this is why Can of Soup came and went

    15. While you can outsource Bitcoin mining to a computer, people still mine for social capital on social networks largely through their own blood, sweat, and tears.

      and also, now with AI there is a lower price of blood/sweat/tears to be paid..

    16. The shifting nature of scarcity will always leave a wake of skepticism and disbelief.

      Just like PG talks about how restoring an old car creates value while preserving the existing pie

  5. Nov 2023
    1. As someone who was half, I was just exactly not enough of what each type wanted

      this would not be true today

    2. I was pretty sure you were at least supposed to lie about this.


  6. Oct 2023
    1. There's no guarantee that they'll say the lines you've assigned to them.

      such an eternal problem with preparing something to say to someone

  7. Sep 2023
    1. Is it because I get bored so easily?

      this is the difference between him and EP

    1. another stopped by for dinner and didn’t offer to help, even while Jess was juggling care of her infant, doing the laundry, and ordering dinner. “She started eating without me,” Jess recalls.

      ok this and the "moms don't ask; just offer" thing sounds very white. asian people definitely are more acts of service oriented and would offer (or even just DO!)

    2. Shouldn’t she just know?

      no one can know without u communicating something!!

    3. they can’t seem to access the words to ask her about her experiences. Instead, they reminisce about fun times they had in the past as if neither of their lives were interesting enough now.

      skill issue

    4. wondering who else I could start hanging out with

      a theme seems to be that people immediately look for a replacement that "fills the container" of needs that they have—which seems very id-driven but can one blame them when it might take a decade or more for things to return "back to normal"?

    5. worried about her ability to stay connected to a scene where people go out five nights a week

      maybe the transition is easier for people that stay at home / do a mix of going out and staying in more?

    1. She forgave him. “Maybe someday I’ll make mistakes and somebody will forgive me,” she said.

      oh interesting

    2. Far from making me feel empowered, carrying it made me paranoid.

      similar to language shaping thought

    3. “Neurodivergent Ninja.”


    4. “The discourse will never be on how Asians are affected,” he said. “The discourse is ‘Oh, the perpetrator, think about the mental health of the perpetrator.’ Never our mental health.”

      is this endemic of asians self-victimizing? there must be a grain of truth in it for sure, but idk..

    5. ‘Please stop killing us.’ ”

      very reminiscent of BLM

    6. DCC’s Twitter posts are littered with disparaging references to “boba liberals” and “blue-check Asians,” people who Zhang said “sell out other Asians” to seem like they’re helping other marginalized groups

      to the diversity/range of POVs and types of asians in "Asian America"

    7. Before the pandemic, Manhattan’s Chinatown had already undergone rapid change, mutating from a primarily working-class Cantonese and Fujianese area into a decidedly more white and wealthy one. The neighborhood was still filled with Asian residents and businesses, but the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic was a double whammy: Struggling businesses closed, and residents began to be concerned about their safety.

      so it became more white and wealthy but also people got more scared about public safety?

    8. “As a proud husband of an Asian American woman, I think this discrimination against Asian Americans is a real problem,” said Senator Mitch McConnell.

      oh my god lol

    1. she acknowledges in the book may be “on its way out with my generation.”

      but like..it's definitely still here

    1. Food makes displacement the point of commonality. And it’s a misleading one — we all experienced it, so we all must face the same challenges.

      people don't want to engage with the tough questions, esp in the context of community building. Food is an easy feel-good way out. but that still doesn't answer why it's food and not clothing, aesthetics, music, etc?

    2. Food, as a medium, feels singularly effective as a means to sand the edges off a homeland, to turn that mythic place into a smooth commodity rather than an unknowable, dissonant land.

      not sure if I instinctively agree with this—is it really that much more effective than, say, clothing?

    3. Not that I desired such an outcome, exactly, but nevertheless I felt its unlikelihood as a loss.

      yes—it's about the low volume

    1. What this means is that racial difference is an inescapable factor in the mixed Asian’s romantic choices.

      unless the partner is also exactly mixed Asian