10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. people often considered sickness to be the sign of immorality, punishment from God, or "as a condition caused by supernatural forces, which might take the form of diabolical possession"

      I've noticed that most logics during these times revolved around religious beliefs.

    2. A second practical motivation for studying the stars was to determine the direction of Mecca from any location because Muslims are required to face Mecca when they pray.

      It's interesting how their religious belief motivated them to discover such research.

    3. As with most other Muslim developments, the knowledge of Arabic numbers spread to Europe through Spain where it was evident that the Arabic number system was superior to the Roman number system

      I wonder what made them feel that the Arabic number system was superior to the Roman number system?

    1. A second technology developed in China was printing. The Chinese began to use wood block printing in the 7th century where the text is carved into the wood blocks which are then inked. A blank sheet of paper is placed over the inked block so that the image can be transferred to the paper.

      I noticed that China was the first to invent both paper and printing.

    2. The Arabs captured Chinese paper craftsman in 751 and brought them to Samarkand. Soon after, a Muslim paper mill was established at Baghdad and paper was used throughout the Muslim world by 1000 AD.

      I find it surprising how the invention of paper began to spread rapidly among different countries.

    3. the most common source for paper was the bark of the paper mulberry tree (Gies & Gies 1994 p 182). Paper is made by tearing up rags, or the bark of trees or certain grasses and putting them into a large pot with water. The mixture is boiled and the pulplike mass that lies at the bottom is removed, strained and spread out to dry.

      The process of making paper is interesting to me because it takes a lot of time and effort just to make a singular piece.

    1. In some cases foreigners were allowed to sell directly, but they had to pay a very heavy tax for the privilege.

      I find this interesting but also unfair that they had to pay more taxes because of the privilege to sell.

    2. "Holding in her left hand the distaff, a short forked stick around which a mass of the prepared raw fibers was wound, the spinster took some of the fibers between the finger and thumb of her right hand, twisting them together as she drew them gently downward.

      This paragraph expresses the struggle and long effort it took to make production by hand and skill.

    3. Mumford (1986) identified the clock as the "key" machine of the modern industrial age.He emphasizes the clock because of its uniqueness among other machines of its day

      It's interesting that the clock was the "key" and "power machine", playing such an important role in these mechanical products.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Nor, is technology, like science, fully described by the laws of nature.

      Signifies how science seeks observations and experiments, while technology applies scientific knowledge to solve problems