6 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. 7v7 Soccer League Schedules View Schedules

      This section of the website includes a video background without a description or link to it. This can be challenging for users with vestibular or cognitive disorders as the video background cannot be paused, hidden, or stopped. In addition, there is text over the moving background which can cause dizziness and make it difficult for users to concentrate.

      To enhance accessibility, the website could include a few solutions. Firstly, offering the users control by creating a feature that allows the background to be paused. Secondly, providing a link to the video in a different section with a description underneath to provide context, especially for users who are hearing-impaired. Lastly, replacing the moving background with an image to make it more accessible and improved user experience, helping to reduce any distractions for users who are sensitive to motion.

    2. Register for Mississauga MENS or COED Soccer Leagues

      This section of the website is not mobile friendly as accessing it via a phone does not show the chart or allow users to select any of the drop down headings within the chart. This makes the website inconsistent with its features, making the content less robust as it does not adapt to different user agents. Instead, it shows individual boxes of each category where a user has to continuously scroll to find certain details. Some individuals may not have access to a laptop or rely heavily on their mobile devices, therefore, it is essential for the website to adapt to the screen sizes and formats on different devices to be consistent and ensure a user-friendly experience.

    3. We only play on the best turf fields in the region: dedicated small-side lines, metal soccer goals, and proper lighting.

      This section of the website has limited visibility due to the busy image behind the text, making it distracting and difficult to read. Effective content on a website should be both engaging and easy to comprehend, however, even the colours used in the background image such as yellow and light green make it hard to read the black writing. A background image or colour contrast needs to balance. For example, if you choose to have a darker background such as black, the text needs to be bright so you would need a colour similar to white.

      In addition, this section has a lot of text which can be slightly overwhelming to the user especially because there is no voice recording or screen reader to support visually impaired users, making the content less perceivable. Moreover, there needs to be more accessibility features such as the voice recording option for others to be able to listen to the text and have more of a contrast balance with the colours and images behind the text as it can be difficult for others to read.

    4. Home

      This website does not offer keyboard functionality to navigate through the website. For example, although there are arrows on the left and right hand side, users cannot use their keyboard's arrow keys to control the web page. According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, it states to ensure that all functionality can and should be operable through a keyboard interface as it is important for accessibility especially for individuals with physical or motor disabilities. Through creating arrow or tab key features can also help make the website more interactive and enhance the website's inclusivity.

    5. Put a $250 deposit or pay in full and save 5%

      I could not highlight the "Please Select Gender Format" directly, so I highlighted the closest text to it. However, this drop down menu below for "Please Select Gender Format" is a valuable feature that is operable as after selecting the "MENS Soccer" option underneath, it automatically updates the chart to display the MENS Soccer details. This feature enhances the usability through providing real-time updates and direct information without the need for users to go through additional navigation.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Standings

      The toolbar headings are all operable. For example, clicking on the "Standings" heading successfully takes me to the Standings page where I can see all the teams and their points displayed in a chart. This helps make the website interface user-friendly for others, allowing users to navigate efficiently and access key information with less steps.