- Jan 2023
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approved by the governing board of the school distric
I feel that having this approval required leaves a lot of room for people to deny classes and again start the whole cycle of people deeming what can be in an ethnic studies course (more room for those who don't approve of ethnic studies to try not approve of classes due to bias)
one-semester course in ethnic studies.
I feel that more than just a 1 semester course should be required and or offering ethnic studies electives that are higly encouraged to take
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
Ethnic studies benefit pupils in observable ways, such as pupils becoming more academically engaged, increasing their performance on academic tests, improving their graduation rates, and developing a sense of self-efficacy and personal empowerment.
!!! so important for students to be represented in their education to feel more connected to what they are learning
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Vetoed by Governor.
so many readings and amendments for AB-331 were made before being presented to the Governor just for it to be vetoed.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
. I love them.”
you can't love someone and try to erase their culture and identity...
The rejection of American values and embracement of the values of Mexico in La Raza classrooms is the rejection of success and embracement of failure.”
these claims can make Latinx students feel that having pride in their community and cultural identity causes failure. (which is obviously untrue) These claims are attempting to erase a whole language, identity, and culture.
when the investigation began, the officials had already come to the conclusion that the program was illegal
I don't find it fair that individuals who already held a previous bias on the topic put themselves in the position of investigating.
infringed on students’ First and 14th Amendment rights
This conclusion reminds me of the Richard Delgado reading where he goes into detail to explain the paradox's that surrounding shutting down the MAS programs. In one of them, he elaborates on recognition and acquisition of self knowledge which I think he tied into the first amendment rights.
www.ethnicstudiesnow.com www.ethnicstudiesnow.com
do not need more rhetorical support
I think that a lot of ethnic studies proposals have received a lot of "rhetorical support" but when it comes to actually enacting it into reality, there is an unfortunate lack of action by those who can help make such programs possible
s raised their G.P.A. by 1.4 grade points, attendance by 21 percentage points, and credits earned by 23.
a very important thing to note. Ethnic Studies allows for students to see themselves and their community in what they are learning. They want to know more and in doing so, they can become advocated for change.