22 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. you are sent only the numbers (t(s)h(s) k) and (w(s)v(s) k)

      Who is sending to whom? What does it prove if you are sent two identical numbers? Poor explanation :-(

    2. a secret evaluation point s

      only one?

    3. permutes

      How is that permuting? Permutation means changing the ordering.

    4. t(s)h(s) = w(s)v(s)

      Seems to imply calculation of E(t(s))E(h(s)) etc. using homomorphic properties, but fails to explain that, or even what the homomorphic properties allow.

  2. Dec 2020
  3. ieeexplore.ieee.org ieeexplore.ieee.org
    1. can be forced to broadcast the generated block

      Doesn't prevent DoS attacks of the network layer. How do you distinguish between "not finished yet" and network outage?

    2. In this scenario, SGX can be used to protect the security of the leader nodes.


    3. Moreover, as obtaining 51% of the stake in PoS is much easier than obtaining 51% of the computing power in PoW

      Ethereum 2.0 people would probably strongly disagree with this. Collusion of mining pools is easy to imagine; obtaining 51% of ETH market cap is not!

    4. old

      Old (e.g. slow or insecure) or cheap? Probably the latter.

    5. the TC enclave will contact the data source via HTTPS to obtain the requested data

      You just said "the enclave lacks direct network access"?! The paper shows it going through the relay (Figure 1). Guess that's what the 2nd half of the sentence means.

    6. Town Crier (TC)
    7. Ekiden
    8. ShadowEth

      2017 paper revised March 2018. Can't find any public code.

    9. Hawk

      Website. Not updated since 2015?

    10. Considering the nothing at stake attack
    11. The node that first completes the waiting process will obtain the right to create the new block and receive the reward

      Why is waiting needed? Why didn't they skip straight to PoLK below to take the lowest number?

    12. nodes need to generate a random number in each round

      Each node generates a random number for itself? or for another node?

    13. To relieve this problem, PoUW designs a statistical analysis scheme to test whether the mining time of the submitted blocks is different from the expected value.

      What is the "mining time"? How is the expected value obtained? Why can't this be spoofed?

    14. A. Sharding

      Is there supposed to be a section IV. B.?

    15. trusted time

      Doesn't require internet so presumably relative time only

    16. tempered

      tampered with?

    17. but it still faces several vulnerabilities, e.g., nothing at stake attack, long-range attack

      The cited paper lists mitigations and references older Ethereum papers, but is from 2018 so unclear whether recent Ethereum 2.0 research mitigates further.

    18. the enclave
