9 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Also, the Church placed its emphasis on the soul so medical treatment of the body was not valued. In fact, the hospitals of the Medieval Age, usually run by monks, were places to take seriously ill people to either live or die, based upon God's will.

      It's interesting how people of the Church really thought that medical treatment of the body was a sin that if one falls sick then it is from gods will. It's also interesting to think that to this day some people of the Church still believe this theory that medical treatment is not gods will.

    2. the Muslim world made significant contributions to the field of astronomy.

      I didn't know that Muslims were one of the reason for astronomy, its also interesting how to the it is unique to the Islamic faith.

    3. This process of using the decimal system to generalize arithmetical processes and relationships evolved into what we call algebra today. This type of mathematical reasoning was a departure from mathematical Greek thought (which is geometric). In mathematics, some of the Arabic terms are algorithm, algebra, and arithmetic.

      It's fascinating how this system evolved into what we call algebra

    1. The answer lies in Greece. Ultimately, science derives from the legacy of Greek philosophy. The Egyptians, it is true, developed surveying instruments and conducted certain surgical operations with notable finesse.

      I did not know that science derives from the legacy of Greek philosophy and that the Egyptians were the ones that developed instruments and conducted surgical operations. I wonder what other places thought of this?

    2. These early compasses were used in divination rather than in navigation--"the board was used by geomancers to detect the 'winds and waters of the earth"

      It's interesting to me how they would utilize compasses in divination rather than in navigation. why?

    3. Gunpowder and rockets were transferred to Europe in the 13th century although we are not sure by what means the recipe for gunpowder found its way to Europe.

      It's fascinating that if China just kept the invention of gunpowder to themselves, they could have been able to defeat anyone that crossed their paths. But instead, they didn't and now gunpowder is still used to this day for a variety of things.

    1. "there were 17 guilds in 1350, 38 guilds by 1450, and over 60 guilds by 1550." In the textile industry, there usually were different guilds for the different steps in the textile manufacturing process: spinners, weavers, fullers, dyers, and wool merchants.

      Its interesting to think about how many people it took to make a single cloth.

    2. Linen is a particular difficult finished product to manufacture. Linen is derived from flax, a plant that has been cultivated for material since 3000 BC.

      It's fascinating how to this day linen is still very popular and is a much needed piece. Many inventions go out to date due to better and more efficient inventions but linen is still commonly used to this day.

    3. Before the clock, people worked, ate, and slept according to the patterns of the sun and moon.

      It's interesting how this was how people would tell time. I can't imagine not having a clock to tell me what time it is.