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  1. Last 7 days
    1. rheophilic species. After the dam’s construction in 1932, the populations of these rheophilic species decreased due to the prevailing lentic conditions. Such species were

      Although it is mentioned further below, some species that could be found within this type of environment consist of: fish (Trout, European Grayling, Barbel, and others), invertebrates (Mayfly larvae -other larvae as well- and Stonefly nymphs), lastly amphibians (Torrent Salamander).

    2. The rapid proliferation of the species G. cernua and its emergence as a dominant species in the fish fauna in less than 15 years underscores its invasiveness consistent with observations in other regions

      Since they are an extremely invasive species, we can also see an increased competition between the native species and them for food, habitat, and predation. These invasive fish have been known to kick out the native species and also prey on their eggs within their territory. Overall they are a very destructive and aggressive species.

    3. Designated as a Ramsar Site, Kerkini Reservoir constitutes a unique wetland that has been declared as a National Park and owes its recognition to its richly diverse avifauna population

      I didn't understand what a Ramsar Site was at first, but with some research I was able to find the definition, it goes: a Ramsar Site refers to a wetland area designated under the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. Ramsar Sites are recognized for their ecological importance, particularly for supporting biodiversity and providing habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife.

    1. infectious disease

      Unfortunately, many different animals can carry various kinds of diseases. Which can consist of bacterial infections (Salmonella, Leptospirosis, Cat-Scratch Disease (Bartonella)), viral infections (Rabies, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus), parasitic infections (Toxoplasmosis, Roundworm and Hookworm, Fleas and Ticks), and fungal infections (Ringworm). The level of concern is understandable since many of these diseases can be transmitted to humans.

    2. This questionnaire consisted of 22 questions in three subscales, including intrusion items, avoidance items, and hyperarousal items, and utilized five-point scales (0–4) for each question, leading to development of a composite PTSD score.

      To understand what these questions might have been talking about, I thought it could be useful to look up what the different definitions are for each of them/what they consist of. Intrusion items: These assess unwanted and distressing thoughts, memories, or flashbacks of a traumatic event that intrude into a person's mind.

      Avoidance items: These measure efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, people, places, or situations that remind someone of the trauma.

      Hyperarousal items: These evaluate heightened states of alertness, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and being easily startled following a traumatic experience.

    3. deep-vein thrombosis

      This condition is characterized by the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein, usually in the legs or thighs. This can lead to death and multiple other health problems if it goes untreated for a long period of time.

    1. Many restoration scientists have stressed the need for coral transplantation to be sustained over time and at an appropriate scale if it is to be effective

      The reason for this can be along the lines of what is happening to coral right now, and also the benefits of coral. As of the last 30 years, 50% of corals have been lost, and with projections to come by the year 2050 70-90% could be lost. Along with that, just looking at what corals do for ocean inhabitants, coral reefs provide essential habitat, breeding grounds, and food sources for a diverse array of marine species, supporting biodiversity and ecosystem health in ocean environments. This is disregarding what else it does for economic benefits, social benefits, and climate regulation.

    2. Most coral transplantation research spans months, with few studies continuing for more than 2 years.

      I looked into this a little bit more as to why they last such a short period of time, and the main reasons that I found where: rapid changes in environment, resource limitations, biological factors, research focus, and funding cycles. But even with that information, I have to wonder what would be found if they were able to keep the research going for an extended period of time (longer than 2 years).

    3. The relative roles of physical dislodgement and mortality in place  varied  among  years  (Fig.  2).  Physical dislodgement was the major cause of mortality of transplants and reference colonies in the first year (67% and 75%, respectively)

      I have to wonder what exactly made so many of them become dislodged from where they were placed. I'd have to assume that because they are transplants they are less stable than natural forming coral. I would have just assumed that with time they'd be better able to remain where they were planted.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. it is rare for wolves on Isle Royale to kill a cow and a calf at the same time.

      At first I questioned as to why the wolves would not kill the calf and cow at the same time, but after further research it was actually proved that killing both would prove very difficult for the wolves. One reason being the hostile nature of the cow when she has a calf, her aggressive nature will fend off the wolves as much as possible. Another reason could be because of the simple difficulty of killing two creatures at once for the wolves, it would take extreme coordination and effort from the wolves.

    2. To facilitate this comparison, we developed kernel density estimates (KDE) of the kill sites for prime and senescent moose.

      To summarize what exactly is being done within this experiment and the equipment used, I tried my best to break down what was being talked about. The KDE of the kill sites for prime and senescent moose allows researchers to see where moose are more or less likely to be killed based on the density of these sites. It creates a smooth surface that shows areas of higher and lower concentration of kill sites, making it easier to compare the patterns between prime (younger, healthier) moose and senescent (older, weaker) moose.

    3. Spatial variation in predation pressure is a fundamental feature of predation ecology.

      Spatial variation refers to how something changes in different places or locations. With this, to better break down what this sentence is saying, it means that the intensity and nature of predation (how much and what kind of animals are hunting others) can be different in various habitats or areas.

    1. But to date, there are a few things that humans do with teeth that have not been identified in other vertebrates. For example, members of many human cultures deliberately sharpen, flatten, remove, or modify their own teeth for social or cultural reasons

      Although not all dental reconstruction is bad or harmful to our natural teeth, it is said that the use of veneers is not always a benefit to our natural teeth. Over 600,000 people worldwide every year get veneers within cosmetic dentistry. I would have never guessed that many people would get them.

    2. The importance of tooth morphology to grooming is powerfully suggested by the fact that several groups of mammals have convergently evolved “toothcombs”

      Toothcombs are a group of forward-angled, closely spaced teeth, usually located in the lower jaw, which form a comb-like structure. Besides being used in grooming, it is also used to food from trees by scraping off the bark. Finally, the development of the toothcomb is considered an evolutionary adaptation that likely came to be to meet the demands of hygiene and social interaction in species that live in dense, close-knit groups, where grooming is an essential part of daily life.

    3. For example, big cats such as lions and cheetahs use their mouths to gently carry their cubs away from threats

      This action can also be seen within smaller house cats their kittens, along with some other species as well. The kitten perform an action called the Flexor Reflex which allows them to go limp in their mothers grasp and be relaxed. This action does not hurt the mother or kitten at all until the kitten is around the ages of 4-6 weeks, then it can begin to harm them.

    1. Tyrrhenian Sea

      Just because I know that I am not good with knowing where everything in the world, I figured it would be helpful to say that the Tyrrhenian Sea is off the coast of Italy. Specifically, the Tyrrhenian Sea is a part of the Mediterranean Sea located between the western coast of Italy and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily

    2. This appears to be particularly true for mounded contourite drifts, which are often sites of extremely high sediment accumulation relative to the rest of a continental slope

      Mounded contourite drifts are also said to be important habitats for benthic organisms. The stable conditions and nutrients availability can support diverse communities. Mounded contourites also can provide valuable information about past oceanographic conditions, some being historical current patterns and climate changes.

    3. we show that microplastics are focused within a water depth range of 600 to 900 m

      600-900 meters underwater is generally called mesopelagic or midwater. This zone is characterized by little light penetration, but not as little as bathypelagic zones. Mesopelagic is said to be like "twilight" where some light gets in, but not much.