20 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. letters A-P-P-L-E

      Letters are also confusing. I mean not anymore because I am a grown man but when I was kid and tried to learn those things oh my god it was so difficult. I hated the fact that there are also like 26 of them.

    2. Any language system has to have rules to make it learnable and usable.

      I hate that there are rules to language. I hate rules and I think the English language is complicated as is and rules on top of that just bring it to a 10 instead of a 9.5.

    3. By the end of the first year, babies have learned most of the basic phonetic components necessary for speech.

      I think this is crazy to think abput. I never knew that in the first year babies have their phonetic components used for speech. I also think that it's cool to know.

    4. we have quite a bit of room for creativity, play, and resistance with the symbols we use.

      I love being able to be creative and be able to be sillyand have the freedomm to do what I want.

    5. Definitions help us narrow the meaning of particular symbols

      Definitions are extremely useful and I use them in everyday life. I think it's awesome that if you don't know somethinng or know what somethings means you can just look up the definition. l

    6. we have about a million words in the English language.

      WAY TO MANY WORDS. I feel like we have words for everything and while its useful its just like hard to keep track of them. We even have words that like are made up and like slang words. Way to many words.

    1. Your thesis statement

      I suck at these. I remember in high school I was writing an English paper, and the only thing I got a tally or a mark off for was my thesis statement. I am horrible at writing these and I hate them. I usually can not for the life of me find and or generate a sentence that is attention grabbing.

    2. brainstorming a list of your personal interests that can then be narrowed down to a speech topic.

      I feel that generally brainstorming is not the way for me to find a topic. I usually use like a web of ideas that I kind of bounce off of and determine my topic from there. A method I also use is bouncing ideas off of other people and see their reaction and get their feedback.

    3. the general purpose of your speech will be to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.

      I really love giving speeches that entertain. I do really good with humor and making people laugh and entertaining speeches are my bread and butter. Entertaining speeches are also more eye grabbing and attention grabbing than others that I have found.

    4. If you’ve ever followed the approval rating of a politician, you know that people’s likes and dislikes change frequently and can change dramatically based on recent developments.

      Government officials approval rates change for many reasons. The most prominent reason I feel is because they say something controversial. For example, Donald Trump says stupid stuff but then he says something good and he goes up again. It changes based on what he says or what ny government official says and does.

    5. it would be unwise to focus solely on one group over another.

      I find that when I am giving speeches it is most of the time easier for me to focus on one group. I find that at the beginning of the speech you find certain people that are more invested than others and paying better attention and that is usually what I focus my attention to. I also find that I end up making more eye contact with those that are paying attention more than others.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Perceptual errors involving people and assumptions of difference can be especially awkward, if not offensive.

      I have personally never done this thank god. I'm a normal human being so if I have an assumption about something about someone (say that five times fast), I usually keep it to myself you know. My friend Isaac on the other hand is just out there with it. I can't count on one hand he's made a comment about someone and they've heard him and he ends up being a racist. No lie though, it's funny.

    2. For example, have you ever been waiting to be helped in a business and the clerk assumes that you and the person standing beside you are together?

      One of the most awkward moments of my life was when I took my sister to see Napoleon and the dude at the counter was like "Oh well aren't you guys a cute couple" I don't think I've ever wanted to give someone the peoples elbow in my life. After that my sister and I just went home didn't even see the movie.

    3. We tend to pay attention to information that we perceive to meet our needs or interests in some way.

      This is an extremely true fact. I don't normally pay attention if it doesn't meet my needs or interests. I think it's because most things bore me to death. For example, my heater went out on my car and when I went to go pick it up BOB at Midas (shoutout Bob he's a dog), was talking to me about all the parts and what they did. To be honest I am not a car guy so I did not care.

    4. Think about the couple that won’t stop talking during the movie

      Very annoying. I can not stand when people talk. Honest to god if it is a genuinely interesting movie I want to watch it, but if it's like Minions or something like that then talk all you want you feel?

    1. interaction model is also less message focused and more interaction focused.

      This is exactly the model of communication I want. More connection based than message based.

    2. well suited for describing the act of text messaging

      The form of communication I am sure everyone uses everyday 24/7. I like texting but as of late I have been craving some real human interaction nd face to face communication.

    3. The first two models we will discuss,

      Models of communication as well! I never knew communication ran so deep as to have 5 main groups of communication and models of communication. Completely mind-blowing.

    1. Some of the challenges of group communication relate to task-oriented interactions, such as deciding who will complete each part of a larger project.

      I can relate to this very heavily. I was usually the person doing most of the work on projects and hated it. I remember for one specifically I did an entire 3 page paper explaining the project and made the model all by myself.

    2. The five main forms of communication

      I think it is very cool that we as people can classify communication. I never would have thought that there was a specific kind of communication I was using in everyday life.