6 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. vied

      compete eagerly with each other

    2. Though the industries were small and depended on a local market within a circumscribed area of communication, they grew rapidly. The period following the Revolution is marked by considerable industrial restiveness and by the formation of many labor organizations, which were, however, benevolent or friendly societies rather than unions and were often incorporated by an act of the legislature.

      Labor unions weren't productive but were abundant

  2. Feb 2023
    1. Another early instance of a strike occurred in New York City in 1809, when the cordwainers struck for higher wages and were hauled before the mayor’s court on the charge of conspiracy. The trial was postponed by Mayor DeWitt Clinton until after the pending municipal elections to avoid the risk of offending either side.

      The current president, Joe Biden delegates workers movements in the same things like this have been happening since 1809.

    1. Modern industry has established the world market, for which the discovery of America Paved the way. pg. 15

  3. Sep 2022
    1. 1978

      1978 was the year that the legislation protecting workers and by the 1980s the labor movement was pronounced dead

  4. May 2022
    1. We meet this new form of the family in all its severity among the Greeks. While the position of the goddesses in their mythology, as Marx points out, brings before us an earlier period when the position of women was freer and more respected, in the heroic age we find the woman already being humiliated by the domination of the man and by competition from girl slaves. Note how Telemachus in the Odyssey silences his mother. [The reference is to a passage where Telemachus, son of Odysseus and Penelope, tells his mother to get on with her weaving and leave the men to mind their own business – Ed.

      In greek society in the age of goddesses the godesses are respectable then later on in the heroic age we see women are now have become submissive In the odyssey telemachus tells his mother to leave the matter to the men and keep on weaving