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  1. Feb 2021
    1. . I fell asleep, heaving deep, tired sobs. My tears were left to dry themselves in streaks, because neither my aunt nor my mother was near to wipe them away.

      This is a very very sad story because she seems like she's very exhausted from everything she just wants her family back. that must be a very hard experience to go through.

    2. "Never pluck a single plum from this bush, my child, for its roots are wrapped around an Indian's skeleton. A brave is buried here. While he lived, he was so fond of playing the game of striped plum seeds that, at his death, his set of plum seeds were buried in his hands. From them sprang up this little bush."

      Is this based off a true story ?

    3. "Hush; my little daughter must never talk about my tears";

      Because the mother didn't want her daughter to worry she did not show any emotion or any sad emotion because she had to be strong for her daughter.

    1. response

      They were also required to give up their Native American names

    2. What do you notice/wonder about the citizenship ceremony above? What stands out about how the government is defining American citizenship in terms of gender?

      Something I noticed about the citizenship ceremonies above was that they had to have a white name instead of the Native American name. and it was very different for Native American men to get their citizenship Native American women get their citizenship because For women she just sent to have a white name and to have a work neck and ferment it was very different because they gave men more responsibilities.

    3. “adopted the habits of civilized life.”

      I believe that they just said ““adopted the habits of civilized life.” to use that as an excuse to never give back the land that they stole from the Native Americans. Native Americans have to be declared competent by the state to get the land that was theirs to start with.

    4. In your opinion, how are the ideas of “industriousness” and self-sufficiency shaped by gender?

      In my opinion the idea of “industriousness” and self-sufficiency was shaped by gender Because it only applied to men and it was Center toward men and left the women out of it. they talked about the head of the household always being a man and he had all the power when it came to land Being sold or being bought

    5. A question to start us off. In your opinion, how does race impact women’s experiences of labor/work?

      I believe race played a very big part when it came to women's experiences with labor because that played a very important part and whether they can get a job and what kind of salaries treatment they would be receiving at that job. while women in general were mistreated back then women of color were treated worse because of racism.


      Did the Union help them because the girls continue to struggle after words because they weren't being paid enough so how much did the Union actually help. But I still think it's great that there was a labor union to protect the girls from the unfair treatment from their employers.

    2. The girls’ thin and poorly nourished bodies and insufficient clothing testified at what cost to themselves and future generations they were working.

      I found it horrible how these girls were being treated but this is still happening in sweatshops all over the world especially in developing countries when it comes to young children and young girls. Many people will be this and pretend like this isn't still happening to millions of children and young girls in Malaysia and Thailand.

    3. est paid girls went on strike feeling that trade conditions were too uncertain for them to continue to depend on the good will of any individual employer

      I think it's great that the best paid girls went on strike to help with the girls were being paid less and being treated worse because their employers are very unfair.

    1. making in all (12) twelve lbs of meat, and one bushel of meal per week for the whole of

      In the contract it says that they are making a total of 12 lb of meat per week for all three children and Charles what happens if the children don't make enough meat.

    2. The party of the first part doth hereby agree to give to the party of the second part her necessary clothing, food and the sum of Three [Dollars] in money per month.

      I wonder if $3 a month at the time was a living wage or was that a starvation wage for their laborers? Because the bosses did not want to pay them enough so they won't leave them.

    3. That the said laborers are to receive, on the 25th day of December one thousand eight-hundred and sixty-seven, one third part of all the crops made on the place after they have gathered it and made it ready for market, including one third park of the pork made on the place. In consideration of which they are to work kindly and faithfully the usual number of hours each of the six days of the week. And to obey all orders given them by the said Mrs. S. J. Rayson and in no case make use of the mules or other movable property on the place without her direct permission. If any of the laborers shall quit the crops before they have been completed, they shall forfeit all their interest in it. All lost time shall be charged at fifty cents per day and the laborers are to receive one half of it.

      I wonder how long the contract that they worked for was; did they stay longer than 5 years or was it every seasonal harvest. Later on in the paragraph it goes on to say the usual number of hours for 6 days a week is how much the usual number of hours is the eight-hour workday or was it a 12-hour birthday for them. Personally I thought it was very unfair of the laborers to quit and lose all interest.

    1. In your opinion, did singing the blues or participating in a rent party (as host or participant) represent a political act? 

      Personally I do not believe that participating in a rent party are hosting a rent party or singing the blues represent the political act because black people during that time were suffering through a lot of trauma and going to a rent party or singing a song could just be them trying to let go and have a little fun during those very hard and trying times

    2. relieve their minds and bodies from the toil of everyday life. Rent parties or house parties would raise enough money to pay for apartments that were often overpriced and subject to absentee landlords and overcrowding.

      I think that's a very cool and innovative idea to help people who live in apartment buildings who couldn't afford rent

    3. In your opinion, which method of Black laundresses’ economic resistance was most effective? 

      Becoming members of mutual aid organizations

    4. How did family relationships shape freedwomen’s experiences of emancipation? 

      I think the family relationship shapes freed women's experiences because the women get to reconnect with your family especially with your children if they have any. And women were also able to focus on raising their families and giving them a hope of a better future for their children.

    5. labor contracts

      Are labor contracts like work unions are they set up rules for labor?

    6. It reflected an active choice on the part of Black families and Black women who sought to avoid exploitative labor and chose to devote more of their time to their families and immediate needs of their households. 

      I think it's a very interesting concept of right after emancipation black woman put a structure of a family as their first priority

    7. What do you think? In your opinion, what is the significance of Black women filing complaints against their employers in their own names? Enter a response in the word cloud below, or access it here.

      I think this is a very big significance because it proves that black women during that period were their own person and couldn't be controlled by their fathers or husbands. These women worked very hard every day at work and they deserve to be paid in their name not their husband or their father's name.

    8. , historian Sharon Romeo uncovered the case of a free Black mother who asked the provost marshal’s office to adjudicate a dispute with a St. Louis doctor, J. B. Burnett, who had her son, Theodore. Even after Theodore’s mother had paid Burnett eight hundred dollars to regain custody of Theodore, per an agreement she had struck with the doctor, he refused to release the boy. This was in September 1861

      wow. that is so depressing and evil.

    1. In your opinion, can there be a separate history of white women and women of color? 

      Personally I do believe that we can have a separate history for white women and women of color because white women and women of color have vastly different accomplishments that should all be taught and celebrated. They are very different so they need to be taught at different times per se.

    2. : which women? 

      I believe there are many women who deserve to get their story told but I know we don't have enough time in the world to go through every woman's accomplishments but some accomplishments who impacted the way we still view society should be celebrated the same way we celebrate men's accomplishments.

    3. what do you all think about the idea of a female culture within the dominant patriarchal culture?

      I really don't know how I feel about a female culture within the dominant patriarchal culture because I feel like that's what we have now and the patriarchal culture just takes over the majority of history and the way we view history

    4. “As long as historians held to the traditional view that only the transmission and exercise of power were worthy of their interest, women were of necessity ignored.” [8]

      I just find it very shocking that many male historians ignore parts of history just because they wouldn't want to tell women part of history and even overlook certain parts of history because they don't want to tell the story and that's just outrageous. history should be told no matter who is enacting yet

    5. and women built civilization and culture and one would assume that any historical account written about any given period would recognize that basic fact.”

      Personally I do believe that women had an equal part to play in building civilization yet and the majority buy textbooks they are overlooked and they get a subcategory of history but they deserve to be in the full story

    6. “history was not whole without women’s story.”

      I completely agree with the statement that history was not whole without women because there are hundreds of women who impacted history and changed the direction of history yet their story goes untold because women are often overlooked especially their accomplishments in society or overlooked.

    7. The Beards co-wrote seven textbooks, including The Rise of American Civilization. (1927)

      I wonder how hard it was for her to write those seven textbooks especially because of the time that she was born in. Either way, it is very impressive that she was able to co-write seven textbooks including the rise of the American civilization.

    8. “essentially invented the concept of Women’s Studies and Women’s History.”

      What an influential woman!

    9. the historian Gerda Lerne

      I believe that the historian Gerda Lerne Was very brave to go back to school after she fled the Holocaust and to go back to school at such an old age and get her BA is just very impressive especially during that time.

    10. What do you think? How do you define women’s history? In the embedded word cloud below, share how you define women’s history. You can also access the word cloud here.

      Personally I identify women's history as a untold story because women have been around for as long as men but when we read the textbooks 95% of the people in the textbooks are men and what men contributed to history, not to undermine what they did but women did as much if not more to affect the way we live society and yet their story is still in told.

    1.  We need to collect information about how students are doing, and then we need to share that information

      I don't understand when the author is saying need to gather information about the students and show it because if you're gathering information about the students aren't you essentially grading what they're doing or are you just looking at what they are learning and things the students are having trouble with

    2. “I remember the first time that a grading rubric was attached to a piece of my writing….Suddenly all the joy was taken away.  I was writing for a grade — I was no longer exploring for me.  I want to get that back.  Will I ever get that back?” 

      The idea of school has always come with a lot of stress especially when it comes with the pressure to receive a good grade on all of your assignments. Students have so much pressure to do the assignment correctly that they forget that the assignment was intended to teach them something and they forget the main reason why they're learning.

    3. Motivation

      I agree that motivation is a big part of going to school and learning at school instead of attending the class to learn everything because I feel like nowadays most students just go to school and attend the classes and just try to pass without learning.

    4. “Then 20 years,” the master responded.  Surprised, the student asked how long it would take if he worked very, very hard and became the most dedicated student in the Ashram. 

      In my personal opinion I feel as if grading has become a substitute for actually teaching the students the subject instead we tell the students to teach themselves and then we give them the grade based on how we feel they did.