2 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. Everyone else in that “saga” had more influence over the course of events than I did. The erroneous focus on me by the police led to an erroneous focus on me by the press, which shaped how I was presented to the world, and continues to shape how people treat me today. In prison, I had no control over my public identity, no voice in my own story

      Being behind bars Amanda had given an in-depth insight into how the media shaped her image even when leaving prison she dealt with many misconceptions from others. She felt having an identity of her own was near impossible, but with time she started to find herself again. I feel that Amanda is a strong brave warrior like so many others who have been through similar situations, being alive to help the world the world needing change with in its court system.

    2. am the American girl in that story, and if the Italian authorities had been more competent, I would have been nothing more than a footnote in a tragic story. But as in many wrongful convictions, the authorities formed a theory before the forensic evidence came in, and when that evidence indic

      Wrongful convictions are some things has been around for centuries. You would think that as time moves forward society would get right, but at times we realize no system is perfect. In Amanda's case, I sympathize with her a lot considering she felt like she was never really heard and felt authorities could not access the situation correctly. Considering the timing other factors such as lab results or evidence testing were not as accurate as they are now. It is because of situations like this that organizations such as Black Lives Matter or The Me too movement have surfaced to help authorities get the best results to hear others out.