10 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. footbinding

      This is CRAZYYYY. There is no way this doesn't cause extreme issues as they grow. How do they walk when they are starting the binding?

    2. but women were also expected to have full-time jobs and ear- lier institutions that had made their mothering easier such as communal kitchens were no longer supported by the state.

      I love when they give standards and then take away the things that make it possible to meet those standards. Yes give us nothing!!!

    3. Motherhood” was celebrated in the abstract and als awarded to women of the approved racial groups who had many en,

      Wild to think that they were giving out medals for having babies

    4. “the virgin” and “the whore,”

      It's very interesting that this word has been around for so long and it is still very harmful.

    5. Women in many cultures were regarded as impure or pollut- ing during their menstrual periods and during or after childbirth,

      I feel like it should be the opposite. Women should be pure when their bodies are preparing for childbearing or during birth. In my head during those times your body is cleaning itself from all impurities in order to create a pure child.

    6. but could occasionally become male later in life through stren- yous exercise Or unusual heat;

      this is wild! what?????

    7. misbegotten

      badly conceived, designed, or planned.

    8. “femininity” has generally not caught on as a term of scholarly study,

      Femininity plays a huge part of everyones life and personality even men. I think we just never looked for it because it's associated with women

    9. virgin, wife, widow.

      In a way these groups are still present today and I feel like men still judge by these.

    10. is a fictional character meant to amuse people with her boldness ot a model for real women.

      Isn't any story of an empowering women supposed to show other women they can be strong and powerful? Do people only counter to keep women subservient?