- Jan 2021
a nation that isn't broken
strong line
- Oct 2020
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Group 5 - Brandon, Tommy, Weirun
a. Prescriptively teaching language forces people into unusual and sometimes difficult speaking patterns. He contrasts this with descriptively teaching language, which uses visual examples to make the learning go smoother.
b. Code meshing molds two forms of language in a passive way. While code switching changes speaking forms entirely, making this a much more aggressive technique compared to code messing.
c. One example of code meshing given by Young, is the article "Rappin about Literacy Activism". Another example of code meshing is when public speakers add in local slang in order to better connect with their audience.
d. Race and racism are connected to language and writing because language and writing can be used to spread messages of racial division and racism. Jamila Lyiscott talked about how standard English is not the only form of English and how it should not be accepted as such.
Remember when Fish put former Harvard President Lawrence Summers on blast in 2002?
How is this relevant to the rest of the work?
(I would say he lyin, but Momma say be nice)
Why was this included?
Dont get me wrong, Fish aint all wrong.
clarifies his stance on Fish's points
But dont nobody’s language, dialect, or style make them “vulnerable to preju-dice.” It’sATTITUDES. I
gives his take on why people are vulnerable to prejudice
Lord, lord, lord!
uses exclamatory repetition to garner attention
Cultural critic Stanley Fish come talkin bout—in his three-piece New York Times “What Should Colleges Teach?” suit—there only one way to speak and write to get ahead in the world, that writin teachers should “clear [they] mind of the ortho-doxies that have taken hold in the composition world” (“Part 3”).
Cites sources while also using slang English, setting up the tone for the rest of the work.
- Sep 2020
professordanongrades.files.wordpress.com professordanongrades.files.wordpress.com
"Plan on studying longer hours and spending more time reading books and researching term papers." (pg 28)
This is definitely true. I'm only in my first college semester and I can definitely say college is way harder and way more time-consuming compared to high school.
"FOR MANY, THE FINANCIAL burdens of college are too overwhelming" (pg. 28)
This is very true. College is expensive to begin with and it has a high opportunity cost, since the hours spent on college could be used to work and earn money.
I'm a computer engineering major, but I do know a couple people who are undecided and are liking their choice so far. So if you are unsure of what you really want to do, going into college as an undecided major is probably not a bad idea so long as you plan on changing that eventually.
This is also a good point. Going off of some of the people I know, I can definitely say switching majors is a very common occurrence.
"NOT ALL COLLEGE dropouts are permanent dropouts." (pg.30)
This is a very good point to include. I personally know this to be true since some of my family's friends originally dropped out and then went on to go back and finish college.
"Professors, for the most part, are friendly folks who are more than willing to help a student in need." (pg. 28)
In my short time here at SFSU, I have already found this to be true. Most of my teachers are very helpful and a couple have already helped me out when I had some questions.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
Analysis is the real work of the paragraph and takes time to think through and write. Analysis explains the connection between the topic in the topic sentence and your opinion about it, so consider how you will
The final part of a TEA paragraph, your analysis is your take on your evidence and how it connects to the message outlined in your topic sentence,
Because the Evidence informs your audience about the topic you frame with the topic sentence, consider using different forms of evidence to inform your audience about the topic, by using
The second part of a TEA paragraph, the evidence you introduce backs up the point outlined in your topic sentence.
Topic Sentence focuses the paragraph on your opinion about one topic, and directly relates to the thesis statement to create a topic sentence:
The first part of a TEA paragraph, the topic sentence conveys the overall message of your paragraph.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
The Three Forms of Textual Evidence
drive.google.com drive.google.com
(pg. 259) "Actually the dictionary is like a minia-ture encyclopedia."
This shows how highly Malcolm thinks of the dictionary.
(pg. 260) "an inmate was smiled upon if he demonstrated an unusually intense interest in books"
This shows how uncommon it was for inmates to enjoy reading books.
(pg. 258) "This impression is due entirely to my prison studies."
This shows how much Malcolm credits his prison studies for his English skills.
(pg 257) "It was because of my letters that I happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of homemade education."
This sets a background for how he began taking an interest in learning how to read.
(pg 259) "I was so fascinated that I went on"
This portion accurately shows his deep intrigue into learning more and more of the written English language.
(pg 257) "was reborn Malcolm X in his twenties while imprisoned for burglary"
This brief part of the reading summarizes when, and part of how, he changed from "Malcolm Little" to "Malcolm X".
www.everettsd.org www.everettsd.org
My "home" tongues are the languages I speak with my sister and brothers, with my friends.
This shows that she changes how she speaks depending on the relationship she has with the person she is speaking to
communicating the realities and values true to themselves
This shows that language is very deeply connected to personal identity
which they can connect their identity
This furthers the notion that language is connected to identity
I will no longer be made to feel ashamed of existing.
This shows that the author is confident and will not hide who she truly is.
So, if you want to really hurt me, talk badly about my language.
Here, the author shows the deep rooted connection between life and language.
which people can be made to feel ashamed of their own tongues.
This is referring to how people can be shamed for speaking differently compared to others.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Lately I've been asked, as a writer, why there arenot more Asian-Americans represented in Amer-ican literature. Why are there few Asian-Americansenrolled in creative writing programs? Why do somany Chinese students go into engineering?
This shows the type of interactions that she has with presumably non Asian-American fans of hers. As a half Asian-American, I have also had some similar conversations with people, so this is very relatable.
At first I wrote what I thought to be wittilycrafted sentences, sentences that would finallyprove I had mastery over the English language.
This shows that the author feels that she has to prove to everyone that she has good English skills.
My mother was standing in the back whisperingloudly, "Why he don't send me check, already twoweeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money."
This sends a clear picture of her anger and also of how she speaks.
Don't judge a book by its coveror someone's intelligence by her English.
This shows that the author feels that many people associate intelligence with speaking ability.
1 was ashamed of herEnglish.
This shows that she felt her mother stood out, in a way she did not appreciate.
I later decided I should envision a reader for thestories I would write. And the reader I decided onwas my mother,
This shows the author wants to write stories that can deeply connect with her identity.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
What is learning, and how do we learn best?
I definitely agree that this is a very important question to ask, especially during our unusual times of at-home learning. This question allows us to reflect on what we are truly looking for in a learning experience and what we hope to achieve with it.
first preparing you with the mindsets that will empower you to grow and learn through various college situations that you will encounter.
I certainly believe that having a fresh and good mindset is vital for the college experience, as there are so many different topics and viewpoints you are almost guaranteed to find.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
open spaces for collaboration of ideas
I think it's great to have an online, open space for the collaboration of ideas, since in person college definitely is a place to collaborate ideas and we are all stuck at home away from that traditional, in person opportunity.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
Openness, Flexibility: Prepare your mindset to be flexible and open to new reading and writing situations in college; reinforce the growth mindset model and prepare students with strategies to control their reading and writing growth
I definitely agree that you need to be flexible and open minded in college, no matter what the opinion is, since there are so many different perspectives on any given topic.
- Aug 2020
drive.google.com drive.google.com
I am the only colored student in my class.
This sets a background for the rest of the poem and shows that he feels separated from the rest of the class.
professordanongrades.files.wordpress.com professordanongrades.files.wordpress.com
Meet my cat. That’s Bruce.
This personal touch shows that you want to be connected to the class and aren't scared of showing who you are.
Helping each other through Eli Review to peer review, make revision plans, and reviseyour writing in order to grow as writers.
This shows that you want the classroom to work as a team so that we can grow and prosper together.
I highly encourage you to take your knowledge, experience, and curiosity toteach your own course, on any topic relevant to you, through the Experimental College at SFSU!
This illustrates that you want us to find our own path and explore what we want to do throughout our years here at SFSU.