14 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. heory of transformative leadslearners to constantly transform the reali-ties of their everyday lives into meaningfuleducational experiences

      The educational experiences of our students are the framework of a healthy school system. In order to foster a learning environment that is equitable and inclusive, the educational experiences have to be robust and meaningful.

    2. “the stronger thepartners, the greater the progress potential”

      This is an impactful statement that makes a lot of sense. The stronger team members are, the more effective their working relationships and the outcomes.

    3. Armed with unprecedented technological,scientific, and education advances, aschool board-superintendent relationshipthat embraces proactive leadership, genu-ine collaboration, honest and open com-munication, and unwavering trust is poisedto embark on team building that fostershigh performing schools

      This seems to be very encompassing, but it definitely details the essential components of an effective relationship between superintendents and the school board.

  2. Oct 2023
    1. Awareness of the sanctions to academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, would certainly deter the wrong-doers.

      Again, I think that in many cases people are not intentionally plagiarizing. However, when there is intent, a good base knowledge of the consequences may help people think twice before submitting work that isn't their own.

    2. Plagiarism is more than just a failure to assign quotation marks or to acknowledge a paraphrased text. Duplicate publications, self-plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication also contribute to plagiarism.

      Plagiarism is more broad of a concept than just forgetting to cite a simple sentence in a body of work.

    3. Data fabrication was the most frequent type of text plagiarism. This study reported that the number of articles retracted per year have significantly increased over the past decade (r=0.96; p<0.001) with an exponential increase in retractions due to academic fraud (r=0.89; p<0.001).

      Over the last decade the internet has made information so accessible that it is easy to make an error in plagiarism. It makes sense that this number has increased significantly.

    4. the majority of publishers check only accepted articles for plagiarism prior to production

      What qualifies as an "accepted article"? Also, are accepted articles the same across journals?

    5. Plagiarism can be avoided by educating the undergraduate and postgraduate students in certain domains.3

      I think this is an important point. I know that I wouldn't intentionally plagiarize something, but if I did it would be because I was not aware of what I was doing would be considered plagiarism.

    6. In addition to providing the similarity index, the programme displays the overlapping text from the original sources along with the breakdown of similarity index from various sources.

      I think that the multiple layers make these programs effective. They don't just look at one aspect, they look at various things.

    7. easy and convenient approaches to the Internet search engines with immediate access to substantial information, such as Google™ or Bing™, allows and inspires the writers to mash up materials for their write up;20

      This is something that concerns me with academic writing. Often, I will Google something on a whim then it becomes ingrained in my brain and I never have a source to cite.

    8. A report showed that 56% of medical students in the USA plagiarised at least once in their academic career.9

      There are so many studies out in the medical community that many probably believed that the information was so vast they would not get caught.

    9. mosaic plagiarism where the plagiarist intertwines his/her views with those of the primary source and thus presents an erroneous complex write-up;

      I think that this is the aspect that I fear the most when it comes to plagiarism. I don't want to intertwine my ideas with someone else's and it becomes plagiarism.

    1. I needed an online asynchronous format that would allow me to replicate the openspace of classroom discussion, with accountability for each of the elements of post andresponse.

      I love that this was a central goal of creating an online course. It is definitely important to give people the opportunity for discussions both online and within the classroom setting.

    2. However, most students found Hypothes.is easy to useonce they had learned how, and they said they would use it again.

      I would agree with this statement. After reviewing the step-by-step guide, utilizing this tool has been very easy.