19 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. other subjects,

      Agreeing with Sydney, I definitely think there were many more options for him to seek, and working with the devil seemed to be his best option. A little crazy for sure.

    2. thereafter

      I wonder if Faust is aware of the devil’s intentions of the bargain. If he is working in alliance with the devil, he probably is aware.

    3. titular

      holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority.

    4. story of a man who falls into a depression as he becomes bored and unsatisfied with his life as a scholar

      I think it is very interesting and cool that this old story seems to be something that readers may be able to relate to. For me personally, I love when stories can find a way to connect with my inner self or other personal experiences, adventures, emotions, etc. It makes me dive deeper into the reading and point out things I feel like I normally would not. I am excited for this read.

  2. Jan 2021
    1. tumultuous

      making a loud, up-roaring sound.

    2. boon

      something beneficial or helpful

    3. liege


    4. Faded are those joys! He shall know them no more; no more shall he listen To the voice of his lord, his leader and counsellor.

      Explaining how his old days of loved companions and joy are gone now. He says his dear lord filled him with an abundance of joy, but since now that it's all faded, he will not listen to his lord anymore, not be lead by him anymore, and not be counseled by his lord any more.

    5. No master to make him welcome in his wine-hall; None to cheer the cheerless, or the friendless to befriend.

      He is explaining his story and that even after some time, he still never found anyone to befriend him and help him.

    6. bosom

      A human's chest

    7. Heart that complains plucks no help.

      He is explaining that even though his heart is hurting and he has no one to talk to, he still doesn't reach out or ever ask for help. I think... :)

    8. felling

      cutting or knocking down.

    9. Wyrd

      a concept that referred to personal fate or destiny in the Anglo-Saxon era.

    10. Elegies

      a poem that's usually has a sad connotation to it, most of the time expressing grief and sorrow over someone who is dead.

    1. These stories make up our history and tug at our ancient memory. They are the stories of our past, present and future.

      It's so fascinating how we are able to reflect on historic stories like these and compare them to the present, as they share the same similarities, just thousands of years ago! It's cool to see how much things have changed, but how stories like this will forever endure!

    2. Neolithic

      Neolithic, according to Britannica is referred to as the later portion of the Stone Age when new tools and weapons advanced and strongly prevailed in building and weapons.

      Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Neolithic". Encyclopedia Britannica, 21 Nov. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/event/Neolithic. Accessed 26 January 2021.

    3. A courageous woman who despises the oppression of her people, decides to take matters into her own hands, confronts the man responsible and in a single act of outrageous bravery sets her people free.

      Marvel vibes

    4. A nephew is sent abroad to accompany a beautiful young woman on a journey to marry his uncle. But on the way, the nephew and the young woman fall in love and the uncle finds out and plots revenge.

      In agreeance with Mari003, I too see this as a highly dramatic yet exquisite romantic love story!