12 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2017
    1. We set out on e next day,l continuing our course in the river as far as the entrance of the lake. There are'many pretty islands here, low, and contaifling'very fine w~s and meadows, With abundance of fowl and such aniplals of the chase as stag's, fallow-deer, fawns, roe-bucks, bears, and others, whlch go from the main iand to these is~ lands. We captured a large, number of these anim,a,is. The;e are .als~ many beavers, not only in this river, but also in numerous other little ,ones that flow into.it. These regions, although they are pleasant, are not inhabited by any savages, on account of their wars; but they withdraw as fali as possible from the rivers into the interior, in or-der not to be suddenly surprised.

      very descriptive, you can kinda imagine yourself in this scenario

    2. Meanwhile our Indians kindled a fire, and when it was well lighted, each took a brand and burned this poor wretch a little at a time in order to make him suffer the greater torment. Sometimes they would leave off, throwing water on his back. Then they tore out his nails and applied fire to the ends of his fingers and to his [penis]. Mterwards they scalped him and caused a cer-tain kind of gum to drip very hot upon the crown of his head. Then they pierced his arms near the wrists and with sticks pulled and tore out his sinews by main force, and when they saw they could not get them out, they cut them off. This poor wretch uttered strange cries, and I felt pity at seeing him treated in this way. Still he bore it so firmly that sometimes one would have said he felt scarcely any pain. They begged me repeatedly to take fire and do like them. I pointed out to them that we did not commit such cruelties, but that we killed people outright, and that if they wished me to shoot him with the arque-bus, I should be glad to do so. They said no; for he would not feel any pain. I went away from them as if angry at seeing them practice so much cruelty on his body. When they saw that I was not pleased, they called me back and told me to give him a shot with the arquebus. I did so, without his perceiving any-thing, and with one shot caused him to escape all the tortures he would have suffered rather than see him brutally treated. When he was dead, they were not satisfied; they opened his body and threw his bowels into the lake. Mter-wards they cut off his head, arms and legs, which they scattered about; but they kept the scalp, which they had flayed, as they did with those of all the others whom they had killed in their attack. They did another awful thing, which was to cut his heart into several pieces and to give it to a brother of the dead man to eat and to others of his companions who were prisoners. These took it and put it into their mouths, but would not swallow it. Some of the Algonquin Indians who were guarding the prisoners made them spit it out and threw it into the water. That is how these people act with regard to those whom they capture in war. And it would be better for them to die fighting,

      i love how vivid and detailing this peace of text is, it is just a sad image of someone getting completely tortured, although it is looked down upon in today's day i'm sure this was a tradition which was an act that was not strange to anyone in the clan

  2. Sep 2017
    1. Now this man. Tota-acru (the Priest)5 was going from bad to worse. He was not doing the people any good and he was always figuring what he could do to harm them. So he thought out how the water from different springs or rivers would taste and he was always sending some man to these springs to get water for him to drink. but it was noticed that he always chose the men who had pretty wives. He tried to send them far away so that they would be gone two or three days. so it was not very long until they began to see what he was doing. The men were even sent to the Little Colorado River to get water for him, or to Moencopi.


    2. Well. about this time the Strap Clan were ruling at Shung-opovi and they were the ones that gave permission to establish the mission. The Spaniards. whom they called Castilla. told the people that they had much more power thw all their chiefs and a whole lot more power than the witches. The people were very much afraid of them. particularly if they had much 'more power than the witches. They were so scared that they could do nothing but allow themselves to be made slaves. Whatev~r they wanted done must be done. Any man in power that was in this position the Hopi

      wow this just got me so upset, why couldn't my ancestors understand that these Spaniards were no good? why were they so gullible? allow your people to be mocked so easily. who ever was the chief at the moment deserves to be looked down upon.

    3. the Hopi thought that they were the ones they were look-ing for-their white brother. the Bahana. their savior.3

      sadly this is why Europeans managed to be welcomed without any consequences by the native people living in different regions. what would have happened if they were not so ignorant?

    4. Finding myself in this state, 'with the church and the villa burned, and with the few horses, sheep, goats, and cattle which we had 'without feed or water for so long that many had already died;'and-the rest were about to do so, and with such a mul-titude of people, most of tHem children and women, so that our numbers in all came to about a .thousand persons, perishing with thirst~for we had nothing to drink dur-ing these two days-except what had been kept in some jars and pitchers that were in the casas reales-surrounded by such a wailing of women and children, with confu-sion everywhere

      the irony i that this individual is feeling exactly what the Indians felt when the christian Spaniards mutilated hundreds of innocent Indians.

    5. 218 • Beginnings to 1700 were advancing toward the villa with shamelessness and mockery, I ordered all the sol-diers to go out and attack them until they succeeded in dislodging them hom that place. Advancing for this purpose, they joined, battle, killing some at me first en-counter. Finding themselves repulsed, they took shelter and fortified themselves in the said hermitage and the houses of the' MeXicans, from 'Which they defended them-selves a part of the day with the firearms Ithilt they I had and with arrows. Having set fire to some of the houses, in which they were, thus having them surrounded and at the point of perishing, there appeared on the road fromThesuque a band of the peo-ple whom they were awaiting, who were all the Tegu'asliThus it;was necessary to go to prevent these latter hom passing 00 to the villa, because the casas reales were poorly defended; whereupon the'said Tanos and Pecos £led to the mountains 'and the twb parties joined together, sleeping that night in the sierra of the villa. Many of the' rebels remained dead and wounded, and our men retired to the. casaS'Teales with one soldier killed and the maese de campo, Francisco Gomez, and some fourteen, or fifteen 'sol-diers wounded, to attend them and entrench andfortify ourselves' as best we could: I On the morning of the following day, Wednesday, I saw the enemy come down all together from the sierra where they had slept, toward the villa. Mounting my horse, I went out with the few forces that I had to meet them, above the convent. The enemy saw me and halted, making ready to resist the attack. They took up a better position, gaining the eminence of some ravines and thick timber, and began to give war-whoops, as if daring me to attack them. I paused thus for a short time, in battle formation, and the enemy turned aside from the eminence and went nearer the sierras, to gain the one which comes down behind the house of the maese de campo, Francis'co Gomez. There they took up their position, and this day PllSsed without our having any further engagements or skir-mishes than had already occurred, we taking care that they should not throw them-selves upon us and biun the church and the houses of the villa. ' The next day, Thursday, the enemy obliged us to take the same step as on the day before of mounting on horseback in fighting formation. There were only some light skirmishes to prevent their burning'and sacking some of the houses which were at a distance from the main part of the villa. I knew well enough that these dilatory tactics were to give time for the people of the other nations who were missing to join· them in order to besiege and attempt to destroy us, but the height of the places in which they were, so favorable to them and on the cohtrary so unfavorable to us, made it im-possible for us to go and drive them out before they should all be joined together: On the next day, Friday, the nations of the Taos, Pecuries, Hemes, and Querez hav-ing assembled during the past night, when dawn came more than 2,500 Indians fell upon us in the villa, fortifying and entrenching themselves in all its houses and at the entrances of all the streets, and cutting off our water, which comes through the amryoLl and the irrigation canal in front of-the casas reales. They burned the holy temple ana many,houses in the villa. We had several skirmishes over possession of the water, but seeing that it was ,impossible to hold even this against them, and almost all the soldiers of the post being already wounded, I endeavored to fortify myself in the casas reales and to make a defense without leaving their walls. [The Indians were] so dexterous'and so

      the imagery that happening in this peace is just amazing. guy is literally dying of fear

    6. As I learned that one of the Indians who was leading them was from the villa and had gone to join them shortly before, I sent some soldiers to summon him and tell him on my behalf that he c0uld come to see me in entire safety, so that I might ascertain from him the purpose fOJ; which they were coming. Upon receiving this message he came to where I was, and, since he was known, as I say, I asked him how it was that he had gone crazy too-being an Indian who spoke our language, was so intelligent, and had lived all his life in the villa among the Spaniards, where I had placed such confidence in him-and was now coming as a leader of the Indian rebels. He replied to me that they had elected him as their captain, and that they were carrying two banners, one white and the other red, and that the white one signified peace and the red one war. Thus if we wished to choose the white it must be [upon our agreeing] to leave the country, and if we chose the red, we must perish, because the rebels were numerous and we were very few; there was no alternative, inasmuch as they had killed so many religious and Spaniards.

      wow this peace is really strong, even thought he was raised with the spaniards he knew his heart was with his people. i read this peace more than once, it signifies strength in this individual. some might see him as a traitor but i deffinatelly don't.

    7. the Indians had risen in rebellion, joining the Apaches of the Achos nation.9

      love it

    8. On the eve [of the day] of the glorious San Lorenzo, having received notice of the said rebellion from the governors of Pecos and Tanos, [who said] that two Indians had left the Theguas, and particularly the pueblo of Thesuque,6 to which they be-longed, to notify them to come and join the revolt, and that they [the governors] came to tell me of it and of how they were unwilling to participate in such wickedness and treason, saying that they now regarded the Spaniards as their brothers, I thanked them for their kindness in giving the notice, and told them to go to their pueblos and remain quiet. I busied myself immediately in giving the said orders which I mentioned to your reverence, and on the following morning as I was about to go to mass there arrived Pedro Hidalgo, who had gone to the pueblo of Thesuque, accompanying Fa-ther Fray Juan Pio, who went there to say mass. He told me that the Indians of the said pueblo had killed the said Father Fray Pio and that he himself had escaped mirac-ulously. [He told me also] that the said Indians had retreated to the sierra with all the cattle and horses bdonging to the convent, and with their own.

      i always enjoy when the underdog fights back, i can only put myself in those shoes and knowing that i also would do whatever it took to run out the foreigners.(laughed while reading this section)

    9. It was my misfortune that I learned of it on the eve of the day set for the be-ginning of the said uprising, and though I immediatdYi at,that instant, notified the lieutenant-general on the lower river and all the other alcaldes mayore~-so that they could take every care and precaution against whatever might occur, and so that they could make every effort to guard and protect the religious ministers

      i sense two things: a sense of urgency and a sense of fear

    10. I desire, as one obligated and grateful, to give yourreverence the thanks due for the demonstratfons of affection and kinClness which you have given in your solicitude in ascertaining and inquiring for definite notices about both my life and those of the test in this miserable kingdom, in me midst of persistent reports which had been circulated of the deaths of myself and the otherS, and for sparing neither any kind of effort nor'large expenditures. For this orlly Heaven can reward your rev-erence, though I do not doubt that his Majesty (may God kef:p him) will do so.

      i'm honestly getting upset, the reason being is because all of the speakers seem to use religion as a sort of shield which either covers their asses or will be used to justify wrongful action. i pose this question to everyone on hypothesis, have these texts changed your perspective on religion??