29 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Gamers are already projected to spend approximately $30 billion on loot boxes this year alone, with this figure rising to $50 billion over the next four years [4].

      another statistic to look at and incorporate

    2. ‘gateway’

      the word gateway has been used in multiple sources

    3. This research provides empirical evidence of a relationship between loot box use and problem gambling. The relationship seen here was neither small, nor trivial. It was stronger than previously observed relationships between problem gambling and factors like alcohol abuse, drug use, and depression. Indeed, sub-group analyses revealed that an individual’s classification as either a non problem gambler or a problem gambler accounted for 37.7% of the variance in how much they spent on loot boxes.

      very important conclusion

    4. This research was ethically approved by the Cross-School Research Ethics Committee for the Schools of Art, Design & Computer Science of York St. John University.

      good credibility

    5. In [20], Drummond and Sauer analysed 22 games which featured loot boxes in order to determine if these games had characteristics of gambling that are necessary for such conditioning, and could therefore form a gateway for gamers to become problem gamblers.

      look into this source

    6. These issues range from domestic abuse [14] and intimate partner violence [15] to involvement in illegal activities [16], increased medical costs [17], and suicidality [18]. Problem gambling is typically described as being both excessive and involuntary.

      these issues can be good to research for better knowledge on problem gambling

    7. Problem gambling can be defined as a pattern of gambling activity which is so extreme that it causes an individual to have problems in their personal, family, and vocational life

      another good definition

    8. Contrastingly, France’s online gambling authority ARJEL have ruled that all loot boxes do not legally constitute a form of gambling as there is no financial value to items that can be won in loot boxes

      This would also be good to refer to as a counter argument

    9. Earlier this year the Belgium Gambling Commission ruled that some loot boxes were in violation of national gambling legislation [6]. More specifically, they ruled that any loot box that can be paid for with real-world money constituted a form of gambling and have ordered that they be removed from video games in Belgium[7].

      This can be a good precedent to add on as evidence of governments understanding the depth of the issue with loot boxes.

    10. Both when gambling and when buying loot boxes, individuals stake money on the outcome of a future event, whose result is determined at least partially by chance in the hopes of receiving a valuable reward.

      good definition to place

    11. It is estimated that the total amount of revenue generated by loot boxes this year will be approximately $30 billion

      good statistic

    1. High engagement in gambling and gaming activities might serve as a way to mitigate loneliness and related distress

      Important to discuss

    2. The widespread availability and addictive nature of the loot box system makes it crucial to regulate such monetization practices to protect vulnerable individuals such as young people, lonely individuals, and problem gamblers.

      This last section maybe a good solution to the issue of loot box addiction.

    3. Interestingly, a study by Etchells et al. (2022) did not find associations between mental wellbeing and loot box purchasing,

      An interesting study to look at

    4. the study looked at financial consequences and the role of problem gambling in these associations.

      Both problem gambling and financial consequences are a good aspect to look at the issue of online gambling and loot boxes.

    5. With respect to H1, Loneliness had a positive association with Loot Box Purchasing

      Helps strengthens the previous claim of lonely individuals being vulnerable to loot boxes.

    6. we will conclude that we have no evidence of metric invariance between models for different genders, nationalities, and age groups.

      Potentially be used to show how loot boxes and addiction to said loot boxes are indiscriminate of genders, nationalities, and age groups.

    7. Therefore, the positive association between Loot Box Purchasing and Indebtedness was indirect and mediated through Problem gambling.

      The connection between loot boxes and indebtedness may be indirect. However, researching further in problem gambling may produce help claims that strength the research question.

    8. Loot box purchasing was measured with a single-item “How have your online consumer habits changed during the coronavirus pandemic regarding the following services in comparison to your previous habits: Loot box purchases in digital games”

      Need to find further studies for after the pandemic but this can be a good baseline on how individuals can be affected by the 'predatory monetization schemes' as previously mentioned in the journal.

    9. Increased loot box purchasing is positively associated with indebtedness.Given that gambling activities and loot box purchasing often co-occur

      This overall feeling of indebtness can help strength the claim of the similarity of hopelessness that gambling produces to what loot boxes produce.

    10. Loot box expenditure can add to financial strain caused by excessive gambling (Hing et al., 2022), but it might be problem gambling that plays a major role in debt problems among loot box buyers

      Potentially looking for cases of severe loot box addictions can help improve the claim of how these loot boxes mask the true nature of online gambling.

    11. Loot box prices typically vary from a few to tens of dollars, and high-spenders use over $100 per month on loot boxes

      It is good to bring up how much these individuals may spend.

    12. ‘predatory monetization schemes’ are designed to make players both financially and psychologically committed to a game with a purpose of spending more and more money.

      Good to further look into as these 'predatory monetization schemes' could be a point to bring up in how these loot boxes can change the perception of online gambling by posing as a lighter form of online gambling in a way?

    13. Loot boxes are commonly juxtaposed with forms of gambling and generally perceived as a gambling-like activity

      The term gambling-like activity can be key in placing loot boxes as an activity closely linked to gambling.

    14. roblem gambling is more common among those of lower income (Hahmann et al., 2021), but gambling can further worsen the situation leading to severe financial problems such as indebtedness

      Good point to bring up in the dangers of gambling.

    15. Studies have found that loneliness is a risk factor for problem gambling

      Potentially a good angle to describe the individuals that might be the most vulnerable to loot boxes and online gambling in general.

    16. Several studies have found associations between loot box purchasing and poorer mental health and distress

      These studies would be helpful in strengthening the claim on how those how are mentally struggling are the most vulnerable. These studies can also supplement the potentially connection to how loot box purchasing can have adverse affects on mental health. However, this claim will require additional research using multiple sources and studies.

    17. Concerns have been raised particularly in relation to ‘loot boxes’ that present a controversial form of in-game purchases in pursuit of randomized rewards such as weapons or cosmetic features

      Good definition for what a loot box is. Also helps present the loot box as a form of in-game purchase based on luck.

    18. The chance-based nature of loot boxes is often juxtaposed with mechanisms of gambling, and these gambling-like mechanisms make them potentially addictive for players

      Strong point that be used as an argument on why loot boxes can hurt individuals with its similarities to gambling. This can also help show how loot boxes promote a form of online gambling.