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  1. Last 7 days
    1. But in the eyes of his mother country, Rohit was not an Indian, but an ABCD. American-Born Confused Desi. For Rohit, the rejections said: India is full.

      This was his reason in going because he had never truly felt he got to experience his whole Indian culture, and even showed on paper through his application for his work visa.

    2. When his parents tried to send him to Hindi summer school, Rohit’s father had threatened to run away from home.

      Another quote on how his father felt truly about his culture

    3. But according to Rohit’s mother, his father had grown up despising his brown skin and hating the smell of ginger and garam masala and fried pakoras that filled Rohit’s grandparents’ home.

      This shows that Rohit's father lacks pride in his culture and traditions.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. She opened it, snapped it shut like little jaws. The better to eat him with.

      From the story of Little Red Riding Hood, which is somewhat a kids horror story.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. For a moment god remained motionless and then, groaning, he lurched back to life and completed the child.

      This shows me the components that were brought did not satisfy their god, but instead of saying no he just continued.

    2. Or perhaps he believed god would eventually recognize how malformed the child was and would reshape it while he was gone.

      This already started off wrong because there was already negativity before the components were even put towards making the child. If the parent had confidence that this child would thrive regardless the outcome could have been different.

    3. Oherdluq opened a child so filled with desirable components that he could not bring himself to choose just one. He took first one, then another, then yet another, so that when finally the child was closed up it was no longer functional. At first, he tried to return some of the components to it, but no matter how he tried to reconnect them, the child remained still and dark.

      Developmental stages. When you take certain moments away from your children early on it creates issues later on down the line that have a lasting mark on the child that cant be healed.

    4. in which hundreds of our children could be made at once, piece after piece, child after child. It was, so it is said, much faster. It is rumored that we are those children.

      Being made fast and mass production gives robot.

    5. In the times before god, in the times before time began, rumor has it that the animal flesh beings who used to inhabit the lost city built large structures

      There God is a different type of god, it came along when the people came along. This makes me think that there God is not an entity but more of a physical being that they look up to.

    6. In the times before god, in the times before time began, rumor has it that the animal flesh beings who used to inhabit the lost city built large structures

      There God is a different type of god, it came along when the people came along. This makes me think that there God is not an entity but more of a physical being that they look up to.

    7. In the times before god, in the times before time began, rumor has it that the animal flesh beings who used to inhabit the lost city built large structures

      There God is a different type of god, it came along when the people came along. This makes me think that there God is not an entity but more of a physical being that they look up to.

    8. In the times before god, in the times before time began, rumor has it that the animal flesh beings who used to inhabit the lost city built large structures

      There God is a different type of god, it came along when the people came along. This makes me think that there God is not an entity but more of a physical being that they look up to.

    9. The Death of God

      When you think of God in any religion, the being is everlasting and is not something that can be destroyed so this backs up my point of this being a physical person.

    10. In the first story it's like a reverse of our world from a religious point of view. It's like their world is some sort of afterworld. They are physically seeing God. What drives them is the ability to mold their children

    11. lost city

      This sets the tone of a dark and gloomy place, because when i think of lost I think somewhat abandoned.

    12. There are those who believe we were once those animal flesh beings but that, as more and more gleaming children were made, we became such deft mimics as to become gleaming beings ourselves

      They were once physical beings; this backs up the thought of some sort of afterlife by saying they became gleaming beings it makes me think of an angel.

    13. They do not grow—although the records seem to suggest that children once did grow. Perhaps, though, the records’ use of “growth” is only metaphorical, not literal.

      The "children" are shaped and stay in that form forever.

    14. God will examine our find and consider, and then say one of two things. He might say, “Yes, this can serve as the basis for a child.” Or he might say, “Why do you bring me this?”

      They believe in a higher being in which they go to search for answers.

    1. The residence is four stories tall and has fifty-three rooms with a total area of 7,500 square meters.

      This proves that Harada was very wealthy.

    2. So let me say that it is a sadness that I will never have the chance to offer safe and reliable transport to those who died. That is what it means to be a car.

      The cars point of life based on this, is service to others.

    3. Certainly. Ms. Harada has authorized me to grant that permission

      To back up the other claim of the car being owned by Ms. Harada and not having control over its "own life". Only time someone can give authorization of something is if they have control over it.

    4. Calling that unfortunate is pretty cold, Seishin, even for a mechanical with fake emotions.

      The car's emotion feels fake to Ketrin and even throughout the story it seems that in terms of feeling it just says what it thinks Ketrin wants to hear to make her feel better about the situation at hand.

    5. I am a car and was built to provide meaningful transportation. But Ms. Harada requested that I stay on and I have chosen to honor my contract, even though she is no longer legally human.

      The car knows it has a job and it is to provide transportation from one place to another. It also interesting to see that it feels like it has a choice to go or stay even though it was under contract.

    6. Excuse me, but I am in no way owned by Jennet Harada. I signed a fifty-year personal-services contract with her at the time of my neural enhancement, but I am not otherwise controlled by her.

      A contract signifies an allegiance to something/ someone like a job that if violated can cause legal issues. So will there be issues of this being violated down the line.

    7. first death

      this is mentioned a couple of times in the story and it shows that this is an alternate world where some may have multiple deaths.

    8. I was manufactured in the North American Free Trade Union on Earth and assembled in the city of Georgetown in the state of Kentucky in 2088 CE.

      With this whole section, the car is trying explain to Ketrin the worth it has by somehwat bragging on its Human Standard Capability.