- Mar 2018
educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
Scholars have exhaustively documented the discrimina-tory treatment that minoritized populations continue to experience
Many, if not all of my students are minorities. They come to me often with questions regarding their race or where they were born. I fee that the talk of diverse cultures and backgrounds, minorities, and inequality must be addressed in school much more than it is currently.
schools and community organizations that fail to educate all communities equally
I know personally, I do not feel that I learned enough in school about civic responsibilities and knowledge. I wish that this type of education started at a younger age, instead of middle and high school.
l stark differences in youth participation along lines of race, class, and educational attainment
Depending on various factors such as race, class, money, etc., there are inequalities that present different types of opportunities to everyone. This inequality is something that needs to be recognized, so that people know it exists and can start work on changing it.
our intent is to expose the normative ideas that inform policy, practice, and research in civic education as a basis for problematizing them and offering new competencies that can lead us toward a more inclusive and critical vision of civic life.
This is a goal that I have/want my students to understand. I want them to learn about civics, and also realize that civics is constantly changing and they must keep up with the change and advocate for change.
we focus on selected literature that is representative of and offers clear perspectives on the dominant paradigms of civic education as well as new models of participation emerging throughout the field of education research writ large.
It is important to not only show how civics is thought of in our community now, but also how there is room for change in relation to civics.
move beyond practices of civic participation and toward practices of civic interrogation and innovation
This statement is important to me because it shows that students not only need to gain civic knowledge, but they also have to realize that there is room for growth and change relating to civics.
the role that media outlets play in portraying people of color in stereo-typical and victim-blaming fashion
The media often only shows "one side" of the story. For kids, when they only see this one kind of information, they grow up hearing these stereotypes and judgments, and typically then grow up thinking this way themselves.
these citizens must continuously negotiate the extent of their identification and engagement with a society in which they have experienced
As I stated previously, my ESL students recognize that sometimes, there are not fair opportunities for all. I feel that this is a topic that is rarely discussed in school, and is a topic that my students question often.
all citizens enjoy equitable access to opportunity
Many of my English language learners do not have equal opportunities, even compared to other students in their school, and they know this at a young age. This is why this must be a topic that is talked about in the classroom setting.
much of the civic education young people experience in school encourages them to engage in public life based on the core assumption that the infrastructure of our democracy is sound
Our students learn about the United States and the government all from the United States' point of view. Therefore, the way that the United States is run is seen as correct. There is rarely a time for students to ask questions or have a differing opinion. #ED677
- Feb 2018
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
For instance, when students’ learning needs differ across a particular class, it can be difficult to find one teaching approach that will accommodate and en-gage all of them.
This is my wobble. I teach ESL where my students are in different grades and at different levels of English language proficiency. I want to get better at differentiating for my lower level students.
dual sense to refer to both the moments of psychological well-being one experiences in singular moments during the everyday course of teaching, and the larger overall project of linking complementary poses together over the span of one’s teaching career.
It is important to see and realize the accomplishments you are making as a teacher. Data is important to help show student and teacher growth.
This week for the first time, I allowed my students to be the "teachers" and they loved it. It was hard for me to give up some control, but it ended up paying off and benefiting the students!
When wobble occurs, you may feel as if nothing in your teach-er education program has prepared you for this, and you may very well be right. Because teaching and learning are complex and alinear processes, because the classroom is a dynamic context, and because students can be mercurial, wobble is guaranteed.
Wobble is unpreventable and is part of the job. Working through the "wobble" is difficult, but must be done to reach all students.
adopting a pose requires considerable mindful-ness, for poses focus on the “why of teaching: why teaching methods work in particular ways in particular settings”
Including ESL standards into my teaching plans. Using hands on games and learning strategies. Each class is different, depending on the students. Something that works for one child may not work for another one.
not about an endpoint;
About the process
even teachers whose practice is apparently seamless to the outside eye will continue to wobble in response to changes in their teaching contexts
Every teacher "wobbles" even if it does not seem like it. Do not be hard on yourself if things aren't working "perfectly." That is part of the job, and things can improve.
Differentiation I differentiate all of my lessons due to my ELs' varying levels.
Do not view challenges as defeat, but as areas to grow.
I hear teachers questioning themselves on a weekly basis. Teachers without experience or with experience still question their practices. Collaboration and discussion can help with this.
Teachers must welcome difficulties and not see them as failures. Trying new strategies should be welcomed and encouraged.
These texts routinely problematize that alluring notion that there’s a set of best-practice teaching methods some-where out there that are so foolproof they should come with a money-back guarantee.
There is not one perfect method for teaching. Some strategies work for some students, and other strategies do not. Teaching may change day-to-day or year-to-year. One must be flexible and willing to differentiate instruction.
teachers have a special responsibility to teach from a social justice perspective, tack-ling issues of privilege, problems of equity and access, and the possibilities inherent in social and civic action.
We must teach our students how to be active citizens who participate in our government and continue to learn about our world, not just academics.
writers should write the books they wish to come upon.
If you want to see a change, you need to be the one to go get it/make the change. You cannot wait around for it.
- Jan 2018
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
That we learn from experience, and from books or the sayings of others only as they are related to experience, are not mere phrases. But the school has been so set apart, so isolated from the ordinary conditions and motives of life, that the place where children are sent for discipline is the one place in the world where it is most difficult to get experience
This quote caught my attention and interested me because it greatly relates to my EL students. Since my students typically move to the Unites States from other countries, they do not grow up having similar experiences to their peers, teachers, and their new community members. This can be difficult, especially when background knowledge is needed to understand content and to form comprehension. By having real, hands-on experiences at school, this would help close the gap for not only EL students, but for all types of students.
Hardly one per cent. of the entire school population ever attains to what we call higher education; only five per cent. to the grade of our high school; while much more than half leave on or before the completion of the fifth year of the elementary grade.
This quote opened my eyes to the fact that our school system is teaching to students, who a majority of the time, do not move on to receive a higher education. This is why it is so important (as Dewey states) to implement "skill/community" classes into our schools.The following link will show you a video I watched in one of my other connected learning courses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U. The video explains how the education system needs to change to reach students who do not always follow the path of achieving a higher education, just as Dewey states in this article.