55 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. The side effects of isotretinoin can also include pain in the:bonesjointsmusclesligaments

      I heard that if you break a bone while on this medication that it can cause the bone to never heal the same way again

    2. bleeding gumsa lack of appetiteheartburnstomach painbowel paindark urinenauseavomitingdiarrhearectal bleeding

      Once again too many side effects that makes the medication not worth all of the problems that it could potentially cause

    3. mental health problems, including depression, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts. Warning signs include emotional outbursts, withdrawal, and seeing or hearing things that aren’t real. Get medical help immediately if you have any of these symptoms.

      I had to throw away my medications because I really contemplated many negative thoughts that I never really had before and it terrified me.

    4. ymptoms of increasing brain pressure include:severe headacheblurred visiondizzinessnauseavomitingseizuresstroke

      Pressure on the brain and all of these other side effects cannot be properly disclosed to all patients, there is no way! So many people are on these medications without knowing all of the potential issues.

    5. hearing loss can become permanent.


    6. trouble seeing in the dark.

      I had this effect but didnt know that it was because of this medication

    7. r central nervous system.

      Never knew that it could effect the nervous system

    8. iPLEDGE

      I liked this program but wish they were more open and honest about side effects other than those associated with birth defects

    9. It’s not clear if that can cause birth defects.

      If the effects completely effect the uterus then why would it not be in mens sperm? Why has there not been more research done on this issue?

    10. small or missing earshearing losssmall eyes, which is called microphthalmiamissing eyesa small or missing thymus gland, which is responsible for making white blood cellsa cleft palatecongenital heart defects

      These side effects are absolutely crazy and very harmful

    11. four weeks after you stop taking it

      In my opinion you should wait a lot longer than this

    12. birth control, plus a backup method.

      Required by law as part of the program I pledge

    13. develop fragile skin, rash, or peeling skin on the palms and soles

      Any small cut or bruise would cause a lot bigger injury with me

    14. which can make your nose bleed

      Had nose bleeds all the time and it got crazy

    15. chapped lips

      Try ripped and bleeding

    16. your acne may get worse before it gets better

      Gets WAAAYY worse!

    17. You shouldn’t take vitamin A supplements while taking isotretinoin.

      Was never warned of this when I was on the medication

    18. including other skin problems and certain kinds of cancer

      Never heard of cancer being a side effect and that is NUTS!

    1. Vulgaris

      What does this mean?

    2. Particular vigilance may be warranted in the case of patients with a personal or family history of bipolar disorder or other psychiatric illness.

      No one with bipolar disorder should take this medicine. There is way too much risk

    3. Kontaxakis et al100 speculated that genetic factors may predispose certain individuals to psychiatric adverse effects when taking isotretinoin, based on 4 cases observed in 2008 where psychiatric symptoms were deemed likely attributable to isotretinoin use. Two cases involved patients with a family history of psychosis and affective disorder, and for these patients isotretinoin induced mixed clinical syndromes with both psychotic and depressive features. The other 2 cases involved patients with a family history of affective disorder or psychosis, and for these patients isotretinoin induced nonpsychotic major depression and schizophrenia, respectively. The authors speculated that isotretinoin-induced psychiatric symptoms may be the product of a gene–environment interaction, where isotretinoin treatment functions as an environmental stressor

      I agree that family genetic issues also might come into play when people have Psychological issues. But I also believe that too much vitamin A may also CAUSE people to have issues. I dont think that is it completely by chance that so many people have issues with this medication

    4. The search for literature related to psychiatric effects of isotretinoin yielded a single description of Kleine-Levin syndrome, characterized by periodic hypersomnia and cognitive and behavioral symptoms, in close temporal relation to the start of isotretinoin treament

      So not much research has been done on this particular issue?

    5. observing that individuals with Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome show neuropsychological profiles similar to those of children exposed to isotretinoin during early embryogenesis.97

      Fragile X syndrome??

    6. homocystein

      Dont know what this means

    7. t is notable that retinoid dysregulation has previously been linked to schizophrenia.

      Ive never heard of this link and its terrifying!

    8. or few effects on spatial learning and memory in rats (with a dose of 7.5 mg/kg).

      Read another journal about this case study

    9. The literature also includes reports of panic attacks in a 20-year-old man and another 17-year-old patient in relation to use of isotretinoin

      I had panic attacks

    10. disorder after 7 years of

      Why was he on it that long?!?! Thats a crazy long time to be on the medication. The recommended length was 6 months

    11. Isotretinoin is contraindicated in psychosis because it worsens the course of the disease.77 Similarly, an excess of dietary vitamin A has been reported to induce psychosi

      So it worsens it OR it causes it? Its hard to believe that everyone who has the issues didnt have the issues before.

    12. diosyncratically susceptible patients may exist, or that individuals with a family history or personal history of mental illness may be susceptible.

      I feel like a predisposition might truly effect people but also a lot of people might be pre disposed.

    13. In the United States in 2015, isotretinoin ranked in the top 10 of the FDA's database of drugs associated with reports of depression and suicide attempt

      I feel like the UK takes this medicine more serious than the US does. I dont know the full breakdown on how big pharma works out there but it appears that they dont allow them to have the same type of influence that they have here in the US

    14. Information regarding depression was added to isotretinoin labeling in 1998 in response to numerous reports submitted to the FDA MedWatch system

      It was out for 20 years before that and should have had the side effects updated

    15. 71 reports of severe psychiatric disorders involving isotretinoin

      Severe disorders, yet its still being prescribed?!?

    16. 25.16% of adverse effects

      Thats very high (to me)

    17. with the isotretinoin user group showing relatively increased use of mental health resources compared with controls

      So based on this scale those that were on Accutane showed more depressive signs?

    18. Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory scores were found to decline significantly (P < 0.001) among patients taking isotretinoin.54

      Sounds interesting, want to look more into the Beck depression scale

    19. has remained controversial

      In whos opinion?

    20. In the United States, questions regarding isotretinoin's psychiatric safety came to broader public attention after a 15-year-old male patient flew a stolen plane into a Florida office tower and his family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against isotretinoin's manufacturer, attributing the pilot's acute psychosis to use of the medication.

      This story is heart breaking and super sad. I know that the original company that made Accutane had a lot of lawsuits because they completely failed to properly disclose the true side effects

    21. 37 suicides were also reported to the FDA.

      I have read there are more than 37

    22. 400 case reports received by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 1982 to 2000 alone,

      There were much more than 400 cases from the research i have done.

    23. Reported effects have included agenesis of the cerebellar vermis; malformation of posterior fossa; multiple leptomeningeal neuroglial heterotopias; hydrocephalus; abnormalities of the corticospinal tracts; mid-hindbrain malformations; craniofacial defects including anotia and microtia; abnormalities of the inner ear; ocular, retinal, or optic nerve abnormalities, including myopia and light sensitivity; psychomotor retardation; mental retardation; learning disabilities; and premature birth.25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

      What amazes me about this is how can these side effects do all of this to a baby but not do anything to the Organs that hold the baby?! Like this isnt destroying our uteruses? I find that hard to believe.

    24. induce depression-related behaviors by decreasing adult neurogenesis or altering expression of components of the serotonergic neurotransmitter system, resulting in impaired serotonin signaling.

      So it literally goes into the brain and alters the chemical processes that effect the brain?!? Thats nuts and i dont think that a lot of people know that those are side effects!

    25. sebocyte differentiation

      Look up definition

    26. basal sebocytes

      Look up what this means!

    27. Literature was obtained by English-language PubMed search for the term isotretinoin in combination with each of the terms psychosis, psychiatric, and teratogenic.

      Were the other terms put it in the AND category when they were searched?

    28. thalidomide

      Look up medication

    29. limited to inflammatory bowel disease,

      Never knew this was a side effect and was not told this when I went I went on the medication

    30. efficacious drug

      Efficacious? Look up definition

    31. remains to be clarified

      How many case studies need to be done to prove this?

    32. epression, and suicide is well documented but controversial. A link to psychosis and exacerbation of bipolar symptoms is less extensively addressed in the literature.

      These sides effects aren't controversial its just that different people are interpreting the data differently. The data is the same that there are links between this medication and depression

    33. conceptualization

      Why is that used this way in this particular sentence?

    34. primarily teratogenic)

      Look up definition to teratogenic**

    35. Resulting articles met inclusion criteria for review if they addressed psychiatric side effects of isotretinoin treatment or the neurobehavioral teratology of isotretinoin.

      Could I do a search like this where I look up mass articles and make sure that they have the same tag words

    36. this association remains controversial.

      Controversial or disbelief?

    1. ISO's list of contraindications and warnings has continuallyincreased over the years to now include the possibility of acute orchronic psychiatric disorders, including sadness, depression, irrit-ability, increased aggression, loss of concentration, loss of appetite,and suicide-related behavior

      Everything I experienced and thought I was going crazy!