14 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Reflect on your responses to the questions above and develop your career vision statement here

      I will become a well known, highly respected, loved and provide my best emotional, verbal and physical care as a Nurse to every person / patient in need to decrease as many health issues as possible or even deaths.

    2. hat type of work environment will energize you and give you a sense of purpose?

      Fast pace, helping/ care taking, life saving type of environment.

    3. hat level of responsibility do you desire?

      High. Life on the line kind of responsibility

    4. hat kind of work is meaningful to you?

      Surgeon. Its a very highly stressful , extremely overwhelming job where only a handful amount of people have the heart and courage to do.

    5. hat will your ideal career look like?

      Absolutely will be Health Care industry. I'll be helping others with their health.

    6. here do you see yourself in the next 20 years…

      Known as a well respected, known and kind hearted nurse who is in love with what she does and is.

    7. here do you see yourself in the next 15 years….

      A Travel Nurse, considering going back to school to become a Surgeon.

    8. here do you see yourself in the next 10 years….

      As a Registered Nurse working somewhere out of the Valley working on becoming a Travel Nurse which is also apart of my life goals.

    9. As you begin PHASE 1 of the career exploration process and answer the question “Who Am I?” start thinking about your personal and career vision. Where do you see yourself in the next few years? What accomplishments do you wish to achieve in your personal and professional life? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years…. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years…. Where do you see yourself in the next 15 years…. Where do you see yourself in the next 20 years…. What will your ideal career look like? What kind of work is meaningful to you? What level of responsibility do you desire? What type of work environment will energize you and give you a sense of purpose? Reflect on your responses to the questions above and develop your career vision statement here____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each phase of the career exploration process will help you refine your career vision statement and solidify it by the end of this course. Enjoy the process!

      Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years…. I see myself still going to school to become a registered nurse but will be working in a hospital as a Certified Medical Assistant to gain more experience and respect.

    1. Develop six affirmations related to being successful in your career and life planning. Be sure to state your affirmations in the present and use positive phrases. Make your affirmations personal and meaningful to you.

      1.Even when it gets hard, remember all the times you felt a dopamine rush just becoming a medical assistant. 2. If anyone can do it , it would definitely be you. Even with the pressure 3. You know what you're doing , you're smart 4. You love studying and learning new things 5. you scored a 394 on your test while throwing up multiple times due to how nervous you were , you can get through any other pressure and be sure 6. You do so well naturally, the answers just come to you

    1. Where are you headed next in your career development path?

      Exploring. I'm already kinda half way in since i've invested time in becoming a Medical Assistant which for me is a boost wehn majoring in Nursing!

    2. Provide the 2 descriptions you identify with the most from your career development stage.

      Currently i'm just trying to find my purpose, my genuine career. I've always been adamant about my career plan until i recently enrolled into college. I still don't have anything else besides nursing in mind but i do want explore options

    3. What challenges are you facing now in your career development?

      challenges with myself are more the issue. I feel lost now that i've enrolled into IVC. Its making me debate whether college overall is for me. But i'm just trying to motivate myself to keep trying... I just don't have any confidence.

    4. Which stage of career development do you feel you are in currently?

      I feel as if i'm in stage 2, Growing..