17 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. he law being violent in its very origin



    1. This book argues that this contestation over theboundaries of the market is constitutive of capitalism itself


    2. Capital cannot abide a limit.

      real af


  2. Mar 2024
    1. From a temporal perspective, tourists may sometimesseek novel experiences of foods as part of their totalpeak experiences. Such novel food experiences consist oftwo types:first, the ingredients of foods are novel andenjoyable; second, the way food is delivered orconsumed is novel

      use this


  3. Feb 2024
    1. affines


    2. virilocal

      With the husband's father's kin group

    3. exogamous

      Outside of kin groups


  4. Jan 2024
    1. devadasi

      Pre-colonial group of celibate female artisan/priestesses, became associated with prostitution with the loss of temple patronage in the colonial era

    2. sati

      Self-immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pyre

    3. reified

      make (something abstract) more concrete or real.

    4. CEDAW

      Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women


    1. The guests trust their hosts

      Do they? Or do they just have no reason to fear them?

    2. In my opinion,serving it to Jewish guests is another way of mediating thememory of the massacre.

      Does it enable mediation if the Israeli guests are unaware of the cultural significance of the dish?

    3. Despite the good intentions on both sides,


    4. nonpo-litically motivated audience.


    5. As I see it, the desire to reach the towns and homesof Palestinians living in Israel and to taste their food atteststo tour participants’ willingness to challenge the social order.

      Does it? This tourism is likely not fully recreational, given the long-standing socio-political tensions, but many of these Israelis might fall into the diversionary travel style, such as the participant who complained about the description of the massacre
