16 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. juedures pue ajdoad usemjaq sanyenbaut Butsnes 10y ‘ajdoad Suowe Ayjeduiss jennu pue Aovumur Surdonsap 10j ‘jenpiarpul aip yo wopaey uodn Burd -WeN J0j ‘suo jengutds JOJ sus99U09 JeLaIeW BuNNINSQNs 10; ‘pred pue ssauysyjas Aq paieurmop Zulaq 10j ‘ssaujnjuls Jo ssourpuresun SII JO} paansuad si AVId0s JBUWION,

      Proud member of 'normal' society, apparently. Without being overly judgmental, I welcome the bigotry of the very religious. My secular viewpoint is as valid as theirs. As the author explains it, at least in the US there is a remarkable hypocrisy to assert that secular people cause inequalities and rampant injustice. That is culturally absurd in the US.

    2. “Way} ALIOM 0} SJOWI9I 00] Ud]JO ST Jaa yeu) ‘zed @ are Ay) yorya Jo AWATIOV JuTOf oY) JO JOIJJo DIVUITITN oy) JO OIVME IB UONEZTIULSIO xoTdWIOd & JO SoLIBUOTIOUN oY) JI UsAg

      this occurs to me when I think of all the Americans who won't vote because they believe the issues don't affect them.

    3. rmp-yesour ‘Jonpudd UBUINY Je SaanOUT SATEUIAT| SOU! Jy} JO aU st UOnHadWIOS "29U9St][9IUT IO Ayyeuones Jassa] pue yd

      Defamation of victims is a thing that makes me feel despair.

    4. “S9LM98 aingnsqns & aptioad 03 ur paddays sjuawiaAow JeID0s sseur pue sanied jeonnod

      This can be called a 'substitute service' but it also sounds like an attempt at bringing opiates to the masses. There always seem to be some massive group ready to step in and recalibrate the 'charismatic solution' for their own gain.

    5. Jopisuor) {jonuoo ‘Aue jr ‘apay ing aaey ] YyoryM J9A0 uogengs Aux jo sjuauiaja yons Aq pue ajdoad Jao jo suonse Aq paroayye ‘saounosai Aut axl] yonur ‘fayp ase 1O di ye wow dosp pue dn wary yord | ue ad1oyo aaqy Aw Jo sane e Sonjea asap ary ss19Ip0 “il INOYD) pun 42a0g apesZumop 10 pieZoisip pue ‘spua auios uo sanyea ind | op Ay aaaamoy ‘sovd Is1y 9y) Ul WOIy dWIOD SanqeA AW aABYy at9Y4 A, *BZuluUIgZ9q IY) Iv BuTASTYI

      This is bordering on existentialism. I don't think there's a good answer to these questions, except to admit that there are so many answers that the question must be scaled.

    6. aanooyaut Jo ayenbapeur auiosaq ATuappns ‘s}xa}u09 J9Y}0 UI Was Aeur sayy aBue| Joaamoy ‘uosiad say0 ay jo sadznosaz ayp yp Am ® YoNs ul uOnSe JO UoReNs ay Zuneindruew jo sysisuoo yoryM ‘vowzI09 st '2UQ

      This is terrifying and can bring out the worst in humanity. Chilling description.

    7. (uonoesaqut JY) Ur aBueYS & IM sJapIZ0Ie paystjoge UdA2 Jo <fuarayjIp painqunsip aq ues Yory pue suonseiajur uewiny Aq poureiureur pue 3utsq oyu Y8no01g wddq DALY se SIDUIIOIP YONs JO ‘uIB1I0 AaUp UT [BID0s are se aJdoad Ud9MJIQ S2dUdIATIP yons Jo ‘st yup) Ayyenbaut yer0s jo d.uassa dU} St ‘9421 0} Sploap Lew Soup suonse jo aBues ayy ut ‘aatoyo JO Wopaay soyy UL sayIp Soup JEU EJ IY], “WOpray Jo sdaiZap osayI1p aavy ajdoad WIIG

      I understand that freedoms (or the lack) differ for everyone, but often it's by choice and not as a form of social inequality.

    8. [Noys sao10y> jesnoey -3Q PUB suUOIsIbap s.Apoghi9A9 Jey aie[Msod ay) st UONEZIURSIO jeuones ay) Jo japow yeapr ou ur saydioutid oy) |e soluN Jey, ‘

      I'm not sure about subordinating my activities to the task of organization - esp. if it's not my organization. There are some organizations I would embrace, but not 'follow' per se.

    9. “panojd aq uLD suonoeiaqt ueumy Jeonoevsd [je yoryam uo wnnuNuOS ke jo sjulod suIanxa se uaas aq Aeur uoneziuedio pue Arunuruod jo spapour ayy ‘sad(y .aind, sy

      This makes a lot of sense to me. I like the plotting on a continuum concept with community and organization at either end. Interesting perspective.

    10. panojd aq uLD suonoeiaqt ueumy Jeonoevsd [je yoryam uo wnnuNuOS ke jo sjulod suIanxa se uaas aq Aeur uoneziuedio pue Arunuruod jo spapour ayy ‘sad(y .aind, sy

      I like the continuum idea and plotting human interactions on it. That's a fascinating framework.

    11. “Apsoo yseay ay puke aaNnoayo soul ay) AjsnoouryNuNIs st yoy Aem oup ‘st yey ‘AeM euONEI ® ul spud ansind 03 pompau sadoid ysouwr ayp ‘Jory ut ‘st 31 ‘uOnOE Jeuones jo suswasmnbar ay) 0} uoneidepe suroidns ayy st (,29yJo ay jo ana au, — Adesonvaing, ula) at) pasn jjasumry 1993) UONEZTUBZIO ‘19Qa\y OJ,

      I know Weber is pretty unassailable, but tying bureaucracy to rational action seems entertaining these days.

    12. I}930) sJoquIoW Nay ZuLq se sdnoi3 yons ase (,dn ape, A;ponmupe asoy) pue jeinjeu, Ajqisuaiso ap Pog) santunwuros Te woy Joodsas sty ut yusIasIp Ajdieys

      This describes the military, among other things.

    13. y) ul ‘1dAdMOY “JayjIp Uprey JO sanrunu -WO7) "p2dJOjUIaI UOMOAIP pue poyasseai aq Aeul ajey Jo AjeuoUl -wo0d pue diysisquisul UOUTUIOD I19Y} IVY] OS s1O}Ie se ayedionIed 0} payjeo ase pnyupiey ou yorym ur (saoiaJas Yyoinyd ‘ssunsew Ayed ‘sfeAQsaj noted) syusAd sejnZa1 jo sates ev ‘yoni Aq pavioddns ssajun aindas Ayjear 3q JOAdU PyNom UpIey JO sapnIE stp 0} UONOAIG "S2d}OAIP IININY Jy} d11UN 0} papudjul p9aId Mou_e Jo Sulyseoid ay} 0} — vpuvsvdosd 0) SdAjaSWI9yY WUT] JOUURD YI} JO sagruNnUIWIO™)

      This author did not go to Catholic school, apparently. Lots of propaganda but also the ritual always...always. Just my experience.

    14. ‘Soyse dy} WOIJ UTEde dSII 0} SI IO Gaede [[ey 0} INOgE Apeare SI JO ‘Ajjeimeu, paysixa JoAaU sey Yor sjaljaq pue sduruvaul jo AuNUIWIOD & ajeIOSNSal 10 ‘aaTTe daay JO ‘ajt] 01 ButIq 0} ‘arOja19tp “duane om , 4 sed ayy jo Arun Zuyquinio oy) WoIja snoisu

      Is there really any reason to say "as we all agree"? I hear what he's saying about how profoundly sad it is to lose or never attain community. Pretending or asserting that we have group think does not accomplish 'community' for me.

    15. apiarp Aew! yorym ZunpAue ue yueyodun aiou pue sadu0.9s aie ajdoad ayun yorym suojoey yorym ur dno e si GQiunurwos

      I know this is meant to be a big picture view, but there are a lot more things that fit this definition than just community. Is a sovereign nation a community?

    16. 9928e sn jo [Je Sy,

      There is absolutely no such thing as universal agreement. There may be acceptance, but not agreement. JMO.