17 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. n recent years, however, the Internet has become a hub of activity for all sorts of people

      you can do so much on the internet

    2. As a social tool and as a reflection of the way younger people now connect with each other over the Internet, Facebook has provided a comprehensive model for the Internet’s effect on social skills and especially on education

      so many different ways to use it

    3. though the Internet had been around for a while by 1998, the increasing concern among parents was that teenagers were spending all their time in chat rooms and online

      mental health issues can stem from use of the internet however professionals in the field did not necessarily know about these mental health disorders being connected to it at the time

    4. Internet was also seen as the potentially great connecting force between cultures all over the world

      that it is

    5. In the early years, the Internet was stigmatized


    6. the Internet and social media are primary ways to learn about the day’s news

      we can scroll for news on apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc

    7. Twitter users only have to check their own Twitter pages to get updates from all the organizations they “follow

      sometimes the facts lead the user to have to do more research than they had planned as the media is not always true in what they say

    8. One only needs to go to CNN’s official Twitter feed and begin to click random faces in the “Following” column to see the effect of media convergence through the Internet

      good to know

    9. Television, film, and videos (especially YouTube) have the primary ways for American entertainment to reach foreign shores


    10. Many jobs can now be outsourced entirely via the Internet

      this is due to social media as well as job sites

  2. Feb 2023
    1. You can be active.

      Not unlike how sites like Discord, Facebook, and Instagram allow their users to decide whether they want to be shown as active, do not disturb, or set custom statuses.

    2. unique yet coherent experiences as they find their own paths through the garden.

      This is not unlike the internet or a library in which people come to those places to find one thing and leave more educated or not educated depending on what it is they are searching for, and it's availability and yet leave with an experience that is unique to them all the same.

    3. supports many approaches, many views, many seasons, maybe many uses, and the meaning of that bridge will even evolve for the architect over time.

      Most social media sites allow for the sharing of ideas and yet every now and then, there are debates of the ideas shared on it. Twitter is a prime example of a garden with various streams as one post can end up having multiple threads on it or multiple rivers of thought as one could say.

    4. a defined thing with given boundaries and a stated purpose.

      The Internet started as this.

    5. collaboration.

      Internet = colloboration which can be linked to the idea of community in a work place ergo a factory such as the silk weaving factories where they would work in close quartrs and occasionally do part of their work at home as well with sometimes help from their family bringing in an element of family colloboration as well.

    6. liberal

      The author again states his political view in the same sentence and gives an explanation as to why he notices the things that fit his political view.

    7. liberal

      The author right away states his political views which allows the reader to make a decision based off this fact about whether they want to read the piece as well as form a bias about the author depending on their views.