17 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. Taking an interpersonal communication course as an undergraduate is what made me change my major from music to communication studies.

      that interesting that taking a communication course has influenced someone to change majors!

    1. Overall, improving our listening skills can help us be better students, better relational partners, and more successful professionals.

      very true

    2. Yet research shows that adults spend about 45 percent of their time listening, which is more than any other communicative activity.

      That crazy! I would've expected it to be the other way around!

    1. Finally, whereas we humans are unique in our capacity to abstract and transcend space and time using verbal symbols, we are not the only creatures that engage in nonverbal communication

      i wonder how other species use non verbal communication

    2. This hemispheric distinction has been clearly evidenced, as people who suffer trauma to the right side of their brain lose the ability to recognize facial expressions but can still process verbal communication

      its cool that they can still recognize nonverbal communication even though they lose their ability to utilize it

    3. nonverbal communication is typically governed by the right side of the brain and verbal, the left.

      this is really interesting!

    1. and how we can improve our perceptions

      This is very interesting. I think people with low self esteem/confidence issues could benefit possibly from this instead of trying to do this in an unhealthy way

    2. The perceptions that we make of others and that others make of us affect how we communicate and act.

      most definitely! When I dont agree with how others act I tend to make a mental effort not to engage with them

    3. The impressions that both teacher and student make on the first day help set the tone for the rest of the semester.

      I believe first impressions in general are super important! Not even with just students and teachers, although hitting it off with a teacher really makes a difference for the student, in my experience, the more I can relate and connect with a teacher the more I feel comfortable and safe to reach out to them!

  2. Mar 2023
    1. knowing the various roles that typically emerge in a group can help you better understand a group’s dynamics


    2. leadership and group member roles influence the performance of small groups

      yes it is very important to have designated people for certain tasks

    1. instruction in group communication can improve people’s skills

      im excited to learn how!

    2. We are just expected to know how to work in groups without much instruction or practice

      i think this is why high school was so torturous at times.

    3. Groups make it easier for us to complete a wide variety of tasks

      i agree

    1. more competent and ethical communicator

      that is exciting!

    2. nonverbal communication, perception, and listening

      communication studies also include things like listening and perception which reminds me of how in speech class we learned about how in order to have a conversation there needs to be some sort of listening and response

    3. Plato and Aristotle

      notable people who studied philosophy and communication