19 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. I made sure that I took fulladvantage of these resources through my steely identity kit

      Context: this is to make sure people would understand her roots and her identity as a hard worker.

    2. I had chosen to write aboutbetrayal for our creative writing exercise, and instead ofdissuading nine-year-old me from the mature topic, shegave me books to read, offered out-of-class writingassignments that she would grade on her own time, andnominated my name for every speaking role in anyschool event. Miss Sandy was the most underpaid andunderappreciated teacher, and yet she taught me farbeyond the 4th grade. In fact, the lessons she impartedstill influence my learning now, and one day thesenuances of language will be impressed onto my children.

      Another moment in which her life lesson has benefited her to become a better writer gaining more languages to use for herself and as she states for her kids.

    3. I plan to someday soon return and utilize everything I am learning here to helprebuild my home to how it was before.

      Once again showing that each situation she brings up her ultimate end goal is use her experience and rebuild her home.

    4. . I was able to amend the story then, and thispaper is my way of fixing it now, and I will continue to be aware of single stories. Consider it myway of saying a person’s true measure is what they choose to do with their power, regardless of itsmagnitude.

      Context: in this sentence it feels like she is telling essentially people the old famous quote "with power comes responsibility".

    5. I expressed that my favorite “ethnic” music would most likely be a ChrisBrown album.

      Why does she consider Chris brown music to be ethnic

    6. A person’s true measure iswhat they choose to do withtheir power, regardless of itsmagnitude. The power tocombat ignorance andpromote freedom of thought;that is to know every sidethere is to know about astory and have the liberty totake a stance, make a choice,or simply just have the fullknowledge.

      Design: she uses a unique design here as if she was writing a news letter for the new York times

    7. . It all made sense now: these rules grant us chances to think about our words onemore time before they transform into something bigger than words. They limit how impulsive onecan be. In between choosing “to” and “too” are scant milliseconds for you to stop and think. Assomeone who always comes up with better comebacks the day after in the shower, I appreciate theextra time—in fact, I need the extra time.This has changed my perspective completely on viewing grammar and spelling as burdenswhile writing. I enjoyed learning it and applying it throughout my writing.

      Context: In this scene the author is explaining to us the perspective she gained on people when writing often times then not people tend to just simply write sometimes without even checking or choosing between different words and as result just like her teacher explained has consequences of taking wrong turns due to the human nature of impulsiveness. and with that understanding gains a new perspective on spelling and grammar as a whole.

    8. In spite of my male-dominated community, I was able to interact with individuals ofthe opposite sex, as lab partners and even as best friends, as opposed to my neighbor who onlyknew of them through her experience with the one that she would be forced to marry. Thisprepared me for my later reality, beyond my school’s protective wings. It empowered me to find myfemale voice, acknowledge its importance, and to use it positively and influentially. This hasultimately made me the vocal person I am, and this translates into my writing as much as it doesanything else. Here, along with the basketball court, is where my inner leader was born, where myability to socially influence people toward a bigger goal originated.

      Details: what the author shows us is added layer on to what she has become today. The issues of forced marriage in her country and the overwhelming reality of what might happen pushes her to be the loud voice in both speech and in words that she continues to use till this day and how it is also used to bring out the inner leader in her giving her the ability to influence others even after her story.

    9. Out of love for my family, I didn’t object to the choice of moving across the world. Out oflove for my country, I plan to someday soon return and utilize everything I am learning here to helprebuild my home to how it was before.

      Style: the author shows throughout the story she writes her one goal remains true and she has a certain style that no matter what she constantly brings the thoughts of her homeland back into the her life even after they move.

    10. In the sixth grade, my dad decided that we were old enough to hear his story. His family hadonce owned a house in Palestine, but they were forced to flee during the Zionist occupation. He toldus how, every month, he went olive and fig picking with his father. He told us about the girl he wentto school with, who was found shot dead in the street a few days after they had met. The Zionistsrefused to remove the dead body to teach a lesson to those who showed resistance. He opened myeyes to an apartheid regime, ironically labeled as “the only democracy in the Middle East.” This iswhen I started to gain a political voice. Too many articles and podcasts later, I have formedopinions. Once, I asked Professor Lambert as to whether someone can be their own literacysponsor. She responded, “No, but one’s ideas can.” My self-motivation is another one of my literacysponsors. My drive towards embracing my Palestinian roots is my way of displaying love to thehome that raised every generation of my family. It is my way of giving back to the land that hasbeen too busy giving a place for people to call home. It is my way of paying my respects to thecountless lives that were sacrificed in the fight for this holy land.

      Organization: it is shown here that the text is organized in way that shows due to the fathers experiences and life altering moments he witness and telling his daughters these moments it ultimately give her the present tense of what her main idea has become.

    11. the entire family wastransplanted from dear Amman to the US. I say “transplanted” because just like every other organtransplant, the new organ fits, the antibodies have been cross-matched, but the new organ isnevertheless foreign, and with all of the tests they carry out, the organ still faces a risk of rejectionfrom the new body.

      Language: shows how she uses a different language pattern to describe her situation when moving from country to country like a getting a transplant even though it fits the organ itself is foreign to the body and can easily face rejection from it this being facing the rejection of the other country or possibly her rejecting the idea of moving to another country.

    12. A s I sit at my usual table for two in my favorite coffee shop two minutes down the streetfrom my house, I try to pioneer my way through undiscovered territory in my brain and considerthe literacy factors that have shaped me into the writer I am today. This approach is anunprecedented challenge, something that does not fall in line with what I learned in the pastseventeen years.

      Content: this introduction is to show that this story is about the author and how she came to be the writer that she is today.

    13. “saying (writing)-doing-being-valuing-believing combinations,”

      Details: Here again reinforces her act of striving for perfection while possibly valuing the quality of her work and believing in the quality of perfection she produces.

    14. You have to take actions you neverthought you could take, ones that will leave you shaking as you do and probably hours after that. Ihave come to learn that literacies acquired in spite of the adversities that come with them are themost influential and worthy

      Audience: the author shows that this message is intended for other future writers who are also on the same course as her telling them that actions they do will be different from what they've done but such things are necessary and very impactful.


      Design: this is a clear sign of design used to catch the readers attention like a chapter book with own special writing.

    16. I try to pioneer my way through undiscovered territory in my brain and considerthe literacy factors that have shaped me into the writer I am today.

      Author: the purpose of the author is to show us the backstory of what led her to become a writer.

    17. “Allah loves someone who when works, he performs it in perfect manner.”

      Context: it's clear that she is someone who strives for excellence in both work she does and it quality.

    18. “the one we first use to make sense of the world and interact with others” (279). Icould easily integrate this proudly acquired Discourse from my first parent-made environment intomy later secondary Discourses—this exploration method has no expiry date that I know of yet.Eighteen years later, everything I have done has been giving love, showing love, or spreading love.Every action I have taken has been done “with love, for love, or through love,” as my mum usuallysays.

      Context: I believe it's through her mention of the quote "the one we first use to make sense of the world and interact with others" is a message saying that her environment is what shapes her mind to make sense of world she lives in and how she uses it to interact with others.

    19. diversitywas conceived in me on a lunch table level.

      Context: diversity was introduced to her on a public level.