10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. a profound moment not of togethernessand entangled being,

      profound togetherness in contrast to individuation

    2. art schools and art

      the choice to isolate art is important

    3. We can do yoga together,pray or meditate together, eat together, but somehow we should read in isolation.

      all things done in unison, in collective, in community

    4. almost as if

      cynical, sarcastic, ironic

    5. we


    6. udents are supposed to read at home, alone. Even study groups are supposedto discuss assignments, not spend time in each other’s company reading, much less reading to eachother.

      describes certain terms for reading, under the assumption that the classroom is a reading free zone.

    7. Indeed anyone caught reading is thought somehow to have notdone her or his work!

      conflicting / uncertain ("through somehow") / sarcastic

    8. The classroom is a reading-free zon

      authoritative / introduces the topic of reading in the classroom.
