6 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. The Chinese began using paper, made from rice straw, for toilet purposes in the sixth century, AD.

      I wonder what they did before things like these were invented and how they might've looked like.

    2. The problem is rather why Europe did, for science is a most arduous and unlikely undertaking

      because a problem or question occurred and if they couldnt ind it through their already established knowledge they had to investigate science more

    1. wool was the dominant textile with linen as the next important manufactured textile produced.

      this was due to undeveloped technology like the loom, etc and it wasn't til they discovered plant material could also be produced into fabric.

    2. As with many technologies, the development of the clock was driven by societal needs.

      that is why technology/strategies are made to make something easier for the people to access or know like for example the early inventions of sundials and now we have clocks.

    3. is designed to assist students without a background or appreciation of Medieval history

      I also agree with this statement I mean without this knowledge we underapreciate what it takes to progress already existing technology into something more modern/better.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. fundamental disagreement about what is technology

      I thought technology was as simple as "a tool" or better something that already exists in terms of either making one thing easier or helpful? what could the disagreement be about?