17 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. Course Number

      Unique numerical course identification

    2. Non-Credit/Continuing Education

      No major/minor, allotted area of study, or required courses

    3. Transcript

      Grade information for semester

    4. Financial Aid

      Loan, Grants, Scholarship award to aid in tuition costload

    5. Certificate

      Skill components within area of study

    6. Degree

      The level of education and years hierharcy in area of study

    7. General Education/Gen Ed

      Basic and necessary education courses required for every degree

    8. Tuition

      Individual course cost

    9. Credit Hour/Unit

      Hours in total of course load or as a whole (deviation is study hours included)

    10. Probation

      Referring or relating to academic progress, GPA scaling, policy violation, requirements falling short for tuition aid

    11. Student Number

      Numerical identification unique to each student for purposes for/relating to services, processes, concepts in specific or multiple collegial institutions

      I.E. Personal Identification Tag

    12. Admission

      Referring to submission to application for a specific college containing verification of, denial/acceptance, or none.

    13. Academic Year

      Current or previous year of season and semester

    14. Registration

      Reoccurring course and class module deriving of description, details, and enrollment process.

    15. Enrollment

      Typically following the status of - referring to classes

    16. A reoccurring course enrollment process.

    17. year past or present of season and semester