11 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. Whether it’s playing music at nursing homes, leading after school enrichment programs, or volunteering at your local hospital, service groups allow you to strengthen the interpersonal skills that will be crucial once you start practicing as a physical therapist.

      I need to find time to volunteer more. It looks better on college resumes and will be beneficial for my future.

    2. If you are certain that becoming a physical therapist is right for you, explore this opportunity for accelerated study.

      What opportunities are available for me? Where can I find these graduate programs?

    3. Graduate programs for physical therapy expect that you will take certain science classes as prerequisites.

      I need to do more research about the colleges I want to apply for as see if they have the prerequisites that are required.

    4. Physical therapists report a lot of job satisfaction when asked about their career path.

      I believe in pursuing a career in which you love. Unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity to work their dream job, but I feel as if you should work somewhere that you like and do what makes you happy regardless of pay.<br>

    5. It is a good fit career for anyone who likes working with people, using their body, studying anatomy, and solving problems creatively.

      Personally, I love anatomy and the science behind it. I've always been athletic so becoming a PT is my dream.

    6. You will need to know the content you learn in graduate school for the rest of your career. As a result, it’s important to study in a way that allows you to retain all you have covered in class and course readings.

      I need to find a study method that works best for me. I dont have the best memory so I need to do some digging on different study methods.

    7. Contact your school’s office of career services to see if they know of any alumni who would be interested in having you shadow them or intern with their practice.

      Does my school do this? If so..where do I sign up? Being able to shadow a PT would be AMAZING.

    8. Even if your classes now don’t seem all that related to what you ultimately plan on doing, it’s important to demonstrate a good work ethic.

      I've never failed a class. I've always had good grades so hopefully I get into the college I want.

    9. Take Honors or AP science courses in high school to see if the content interests you. If it does, that’s a good sign that physical therapy may be a good fit career.

      Me personally, I love science. Even thought I dont take AP science I think my ability to pick up topics in science or math will help me for my future on becoming a pt.

    10. Now is a great time to gain exposure to different kinds of patients. You will learn whether working as a health care provider is right for you and improve your bedside manner at the same time.

      For me, I tend to care for others more than others care for me. Of course I care for my family and they care for me, but I feel as if i care for my friends more than they care for me. Me being overly-caring can be quite beneficial.

    1. One of the main benefits of organization is a sense of control that allows for increased productivity.

      Learning organizational skills at a young age can be extremely beneficial to ones future. Being organized helps reduce the amount of stress one has and could also win over the trust of clients for work.