30 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. “We can’t all be delusional,” she says.

      I nod. Nodding offers me a saving vagueness--I can agree with the emotion without promising anything else...I think I mean another: not necessarily fibers under skin but rather some phenomenon of mind or body, maybe both in collusion, expressing god=knows-what into this lonely world.

    2. cutting gazes.

      seeing a category, an absurdity, where a person had once been.

    1. hink salad bowl, rather than melting pot

      metaphor revised

    2. It should be clear by now that assimilation is primarily about power.

      paragraph 10 and 10 on worksheet

    3. Debates about assimilation are different from debates about undocumented immigration,

      paragraph 9 and 9 on worksheet

    4. One reason

      paragraph 7 and 7a. on worksheet

    5. One of this country’s most cherished myths is the idea that, no matter where you come from, if you work hard, you can be successful. But these ideals have always been combined with a deep suspicion of newcomers.
      1. on worksheet
    6. Whichever

      paragraph 3

    7. a process metaphorically described as a melting pot.

      2b. on worksheet

    8. For some, assimilation is based on pragmatic considerations, like achieving some fluency in the dominant language, some educational or economic success, some familiarity with the country’s history and culture

      2c on worksheet

      1st possibility

    9. What


  2. Sep 2020
    1. Dr. Pauker’s studies have important caveats.


    2. That’s surely no consolation to the victims of racism,

      no kidding

    3. Plenty of research

      background on diversity. This may be evidence you want to use at some point in a paper if you're arguing that diversity is beneficial.

  3. Aug 2020
    1. Her first and last names, the most salient parts, look and sound as white as her features.

      interesting observation--gets me thinking about then different ways that we signal our identity or maybe the ways are identity is read. One we do and one is done to use?

  4. Feb 2020
  5. Sep 2019
    1. The idea of race as an essential aspect of one’s personhood didn’t always dominate, even in the West.

      CAN SKIP--historical background

    2. One day, I sat down under an enormous tree on the University of Hawaii at Manoa

      personal experience

    3. I’m interested in all of this

      Author's personal story--where his interest comes from

    4. She found

      Pauker's first study on race essentialism--essentialsim increases with age

    5. Pauker's personal story

  6. Oct 2018
    1. Workingmothers,becausetheyhavefamiliestosupport,havemoretoloseandmaybelesswillingtojeopardizetheircurrentjobsorprofessionalstatusbyspeakingout.Mothersarestillregularlyjudgednegativelybyouremployersandsocietyforchargingaheadprofessionallyafterwehavechildren.Itdoesn’ttakemuchtointernalizethatsexismtoconvinceourselvesthatourkidsarebetteroffwithamotherwhodoesn’thaveademandingjob,whichcanleadustobeingmoreresignedthanfieryaboutbeingpassedoverforapromotionornotcalledbackforajobinterview.Ormaybeworkingmothersarejustplaintired.Butit’salsonoteworthytomethatwe’veneverhadahigh-pr


    2. “Shewaswaytoofocusedonherpregnancy.Itwasdistractingher.Ididn’tthinkshewasgoingtobecommittedenoughtothejob,soIhadtolethergo.”Ilookedather,stunned.Thiswoman—amotherherself—whoworkedonarangeoninitiativestosupportwomenwasopenlyandcasuallyadmittingtoillegaldiscrimination,againstanothermother.

      If you look in the EEOC link, you'll see that this is pregnancy discrimination and is illegal. And yet it happens.



    1. For yet others, the whole idea of assimilation is wrongheaded, and integration — a dynamic process that retains the connotation of individuality — is seen as the better model. Think salad bowl, rather than melting pot: Each ingredient keeps its flavor, even as it mixes with others.

      3rd possibility

    2. For others, it runs deeper and involves relinquishing all ties, even linguistic ones, to the old country.

      2nd possibility

    3. The word has its roots in the Latin ‘‘simulare,’’ meaning to make similar.

      a useful defintion to supplement Yoshino

  7. Aug 2018
    1. Thelongdevelopmentalprocessoflearningtoreaddeeplyandwellchangedtheverystructureofthatcircuit’sconnections,whichrewiredthebrain,whichtransformedthenatureofhumanthough

